Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    To be honest, if it wasn't for Yang Han being next to Yu Guan, Yu Guan really doubted that he had read it wrong.

    In the plot of the original book, although the character Jiang Yuying was not perfect, she was criticized by a group of readers, but the relationship between her and Qiu Yifeng was real.

    In the original author's writing, Jiang Yuying and Qiu Yifeng are true love. After entering the entertainment industry, there were many bigwigs in the circle who wanted to dive into her, but she loved Qiu Yifeng and rejected those people for Qiu Yifeng's sake.

    Even in the description of the original book, the early stage between Jiang Yuying and Wen Hualun was innocent. It was because Wen Hualun fell in love with Jiang Yuying, and planned to force Jiang Yuying into submission through various means.

    Including the plot of being forced by Wen Hualun later, and after Qiu Yifeng knew about this, he felt more distressed for Jiang Yuying, and even almost tried to fight with Wen Hualun with a knife.

    But at the moment, what Yu Guan saw with his own eyes, it seems that it is not like this.

    If Jiang Yuying was really forced by Wen Hualun, and now Wen Hualun is drinking in the front hall, why doesn't she leave quickly? Still traveled all the way to H City, took Wen Hua Lun's room card, and went to Wen Hua Lun's room?

    It is not the first time that the plot of the original book has been unreliable. Yu Guan sighed, ignored the matter, and took Yang Han back to the banquet hall hand in hand.

    The banquet is over halfway through. At this moment, the producers and the investors are all talking, and they, the leading actors, will not continue to join in.

    Yang Han and Yu Guan were sitting in the corner drinking champagne, Yang Han continued to whisper in Yu Guan's ear while no one was around, "I didn't work with Jiang Yuying in my last play, she is The second female, but at that time, there were many actresses in the crew who didn't like her. Don't look at her sullenness on weekdays. At a critical moment, no matter what happened, she would put the responsibility on others. Yu Wan asked in a low voice, "

    Has she ever bullied you?"

    Yang Han raised her eyebrows lightly, "She's smart, she couldn't figure out what I was at first, she didn't dare to play that trick with me, but then she figured out what I was doing. , I don't even dare to play that trick with me. But the third girl in the crew was bullied a lot by her. She belongs to the kind of people who make you suffer. Director Xu didn't know people well at first, and he helped her talk. ."

    Speaking of this, Yang Han paused, rubbed Yu Guan's shoulder, and whispered: "Didn't you go later, and then she still wanted to take the opportunity to spread rumors about you, but she was slapped in the face, and then Director Xu From that day on, I didn’t believe her anymore, and I often wore small shoes for her in the crew. I heard that it was the person above you, Sister Guan who called Director Xu. I specifically told Director Xu to “take care” of Jiang Yuying!”     Yu When Guan heard this, he hurriedly shook his head: "It's not me, who is above me? The biggest person above me is Director Hua. Do you think Director Hua is the kind of person who can take care of such nosy things?"     Yang Han took a bite of the dish. He put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed for a while, then stared at Yu Guan and said, "That's not right, I heard this news from the assistant director, it's absolutely true. It means that there is a big man, give it to Director Xu. I made a phone call and said that you were bullied in the crew and had to let Director Xu bully you back. But don’t worry, the assistant director told me alone, and no one else knew about it. They all thought it was because of Jiang Yu Ying's personality has collapsed in front of Director Xu, and Director Xu will not want to see her."     "I thought you knew about this, Sister Guan."     Yu Guan frowned, lowered his head and thought for a long time, but suddenly he thought of it. alone.     The big man above her, isn't there another Yao Xi!     She had to ask about this when she got home!     Yang Han also seemed to have thought of something, she laughed and joked: "Could it be your husband? Although I have never met your husband in person, but I heard what Sister Boman said that day, it seems that your husband is quite good. Amazing."     I don't know why, hearing Yang Han praise Yao Xi, Yu Wan felt very comfortable.     Just at this moment, Ye Yilun came over with a smile. He sat opposite the two of them, leaned over and asked, "What are you two secretly whispering, let me hear?"     Yang Han knew that as long as When Ye Yilun mentioned Yu Wan's husband, this guy was like taking a gun and medicine, and he was going to explode.     Therefore, when Ye Yilun came over like this, Yang Han immediately shut up.     Yu Guan also looked up at Ye Yilun, and didn't say anything.

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