Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    When Yu Wan was in a good mood, he would comfort Yao Xi a few words, telling him that dreams are always the opposite.

    But for several days in a row, he dreamed of Ye Yilun, and Yu Wan also felt something was wrong. While brushing her teeth, she asked back, "Husband, do you really often dream of Ye Yilun hurting you in your dreams?"

    Yao Xi hurriedly nodded: "How else can it be fake? I think this kid has cast a heavy psychological shadow on me!"

    Yu Guan didn't refute him in a hurry. After she washed up, she sat at the dining table and waited for Yao Xi to serve her breakfast. When she was about to leave, she said slowly: "Husband, I think otherwise, when you dream of Ye Yilun in the future, you should mention him less. It is said that you have dreams every day and night, and you just mention him every morning. You have been dreaming about him too many times."

    "These days, you've been nagging Ye Yilun every morning, and my ears are full of calluses."

    Yao Xi also felt that he explained the last time he was blocked. It's almost there, Yu Wan didn't take too much anger at him because of this incident, and he didn't rush to remove Ye Yilun from the blacklist.

    After all, he doesn't want to mention it!

    "That's right, then I'll try not to think about him. It's mainly about dreaming, and I can't control it."

    In fact, Yao Xi had never dreamed of Ye Yilun once before, and he always felt that Ye Yilun was not worthy of his presence. in a dream.

    But this kind of thing can't be said in front of Yu Wan.

    Doesn't that prove that he was making up stories a few days ago to fool his wife?

    But soon, Yao Xi's retribution came.

    When he finally decided not to mention Ye Yilun with Yu Wan, he actually dreamed of Ye Yilun miraculously!

    This time, in Yao Xi's dream, Ye Yilun actually took a cup of hot coffee and was going to burn him...

    Ye Yilun in the dream was particularly terrifying, he yelled at Yao Xi: "You always slander me for scalding you with coffee, I have to scald you today! Not only will I scald your arm this time, but I will also scald you. It's this monstrous and handsome face that seduced my goddess!"

    At the end of the dream, Ye Yilun was so aggressive that he wanted to disfigure Yao Xi, which woke Yao Xi up.

    Yao Xi always said that he had nightmares, and this was the first time Yu Wan saw him wake up sweating profusely.

    Yu Wan originally thought that the dreams Yao Xi had told her these days might have been made up just by random words.

    This time I really saw him having a nightmare, and Yu Guan suddenly felt a little guilty. How could I have thought of Yao Xi so much before...

    Yu Guan reached out and put his "little girl" in his arms and patted him He shook his head and reassured: "It's alright, it's all a dream."

    Yao Xi pouted directly: "My God, it's so scary, you didn't even know that Ye Yilun was going to ruin my face in a dream just now! Yu Wan was helpless and had to comfort him: "

    Although Ye Yilun really doesn't look down on you, he has a good character and is very sincere. He won't do such rude things, don't worry!" "

    Yao Xi felt a little harsh when he heard Yu Wan's words, and he hurriedly retorted: "Why can't he, he scalded me with coffee!"

    Yu Wanshen felt that coffee was a problem, not only was Ye Yilun old when they met Mention Yao Xi wronged him, Yao Xi also whispered in her ear every day that Ye Yilun wanted to burn him on purpose.

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