Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 She's Crazy

    At that time, Yu Guan was still recording the show in the studio, and Yao Xi was also at the door of the B station, waiting for Yu Guan to get off work.

    While he was waiting in the car, he got the new call. The people under Yao Xi knew the dynamics of Zhou An and Jiang Yuying very well. Even the news that Zhou An and Jiang Yuying broke up, Yao Xi was the first to know.

    Yao Xi's people said that Jiang Yuying's child was lost, and according to the surveillance, it was Jiang Yuying who collided with the truck. Before hitting the truck, she seemed to hesitate for a long time, and finally she was determined to hit it.

    This woman is mad and ruthless. If it was not the child that was hit, but she killed herself, it would be interesting for Jiang Yuying to come out.

    The corner of Yao Xi's mouth tickled slightly: "She should be betting on this, she bet she will not die, and then she can take the opportunity to sell miserably with Zhou An, saying that she had a car accident, and then she can make Zhou An take pity on her. "

    It's a pity that the sky is not as good as the human. Zhou An saw the news on the Internet, and through our people, told him the truth of Jiang Yuying's pregnancy. As long as his mind is normal, he will not continue to talk to Jiang Yu. Let's get involved." The

    so-called nurse intern at the hospital was the one Yao Xi had arranged to watch over Zhou An early in the morning.

    If he didn't let Zhou An know the truth in advance, Yao Xi was really worried. With Jiang Yuying's means, he would turn Zhou An's fans around in minutes. At that time, even if Zhou An knew the truth, Jiang Yuying would take the opportunity to turn it upside down. Black and white.

    Yao Xi absolutely believes that Jiang Yuying has that ability! !

    As for Zhou An, after leaving the hospital, he returned to the house where Jiang Yuying lived before. I heard that he sent someone to clean up the house and put all Jiang Yuying's things together and left them at the door.

    After that, he went out for a drink with his friends.

    Yao Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that the two had completely parted ways: "Send someone to stare at Zhou An, and continue to collect evidence, let our people continue to find the whereabouts of Sun Qiao's parents and brother, and we must find them for me. ."

    Naxin said on the other end of the phone, "Understood."

    After hanging up, Yao Xi subconsciously touched a small ornament on the car.

    After many years, this small ornament has faded. He especially remembered that it was given to him by Yao Tian back then.

    Yao Tian said that his car was empty, there should be some small things, but it was not so empty.

    Yao Tian also said that when she has a sister-in-law in the future, maybe the sister-in-law will dress up his car herself, and then there will be nothing to do with her sister.

    Yao Xi thought about it, Yu Wan actually didn't like putting things in the car. Plus they have more than two cars, driving this one today and that one tomorrow, Yu Guan is so busy with work, every time he gets in the car, he leans on the back and falls asleep, so he doesn't have time to worry about it.

    Therefore, over the years, Yao Xi's car has only had such an ornament.

    The car that year had been replaced long ago, but he kept this ornament.

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