Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Repayment

    The director of station B was humiliated, and when he returned Qi He's phone number to him, his face was not very good.

    Seeing this, Qi He could probably understand the mood of the director of station B at the moment. After all, his leader Yao Xi is usually like this.

    According to reports, among all Yao Xi's subordinates, the only one who dares to chat in front of Yao Xi is the new one.

    Of course, although Yao Xi is taciturn and strict with these subordinates, he has never treated them badly, and you can't fault them in terms of various welfare benefits.

    Qi He sometimes thinks, with Yao Xi's temperament, how should he get along with women?

    Qi He felt that Mrs. Yao, Yu Guan, must have suffered a lot!

    Of course, when Qi He found out that Yao Xi was serving his queen like a servant in front of Yu Guan, Qi He almost dropped his jaw.

    Of course, this is all for later...

    At this moment, Qi He sighed, turned to face the director with a smile, and explained it to him specifically: "Our general manager Yao is such an awkward temperament, plus He was plotted by Wen Hualun a while ago, and this body is just right, and there are a lot of things to do recently. If you don't mind chatting with you, don't mind."

    The director of station B claimed yes, how dare he mind?

    Qi He then said with a smile on his face: "But don't worry, our President Yao has said that he will not stare at this matter in the future."

    "We Yao are always the people who protect the inner circle. In his eyes, Madam is that. I can't bear any grievances. As long as your nephew doesn't find your wife unhappy in the future, President Yao will soon forget about it, don't worry!" The

    B station has received Qi He's assurance, which is a little bit of peace of mind. .

    However, in the near future, Li Yiyu has planned to cultivate himself and no longer come out.


    Recently, in addition to Yu Wan and Li Yiyu's affairs on Weibo, it is the affairs of Wen Hualun, Jiang Yuying and Mrs. Wen.

    Mrs. Wen also posted a small long article to refute, and after she posted N many evidence of derailment, she almost achieved a crushing victory, and the word-of-mouth on the Internet instantly turned around.

    The lawsuit between Wen Hualun and Mrs. Wen will also open in five days.

    And Jiang Yuying never dared to log on Weibo, she didn't dare to go online, and let netizens insult her under her Weibo every day.

    After being lively for a few days and being scolded by netizens for N days, she decided not to care about the online reviews, and planned to completely fade out of the public eye.

    Not to mention her current reputation, no one dares to cooperate with her, even if a bold gold owner dares to support her, with her current face, she would not dare to go out for business.

    But at the same time, the show that Jiang Yuying and Sun Qiao signed before has already started recording.

    Jiang Yuying has been terminated by the program team and temporarily replaced by Chu Yao. Sun Qiao took advantage of it, and was not affected by the Jiang Yuying incident at all, and could participate in the program recording normally.

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