Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Adults

    After being stunned for a few seconds, Boman frowned and asked, "Horror movie? Why isn't the variety show good? I think it's quite funny."

    The new nervous clenched his fists and lowered his head. Slowly responded: "It's... I think it's quite naive, it doesn't mean..."

    Boman smiled: "Okay, you can change it if you don't like it. You don't have to be particularly restrained here with me, and I won't bite. You, relax, don't stutter when you talk."

    After Boman finished speaking, he began to look for the horror movies that came with the TV.

    I turned around and found that most of the horror films are made in China.

    Bo Man is not afraid of horror movies at all. When they went to the cinema with Song Ru and Yu Guan, Song Ru and Yu Guan were so frightened that the cat was in her arms and they didn't dare to lift their heads.

    Buman is different. She sits there as steady as Mount Tai, and after reading it, she will analyze the plot for Yu Wan and Song Ru.

    "What kind of movies do you want to watch? It's all made in China, or if you say a horror movie, I'll find it for you. If you can't find it, just cast it on the screen!"

    Boman was seriously helping the new horror movie. Na Xin was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt that his thoughts were a little dirty.

    He was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't have anything in particular to watch, otherwise, you should go back to the previous variety show."

    Buman raised his eyebrows, and suddenly smiled: "Otherwise, I will recommend two to you. Department, horror cruise? Or a lighthouse? Actually, the No. 9 mystery Halloween special is also super nice. I still watched it with Yu Wan and Song Ru, and it scared them both, hahaha."

    The new draw The corner of his mouth twitched, and he felt that the suggestion that Mr. Yao gave him to watch horror movies really didn't work.

    Mr. Yao said that women would be afraid of watching horror movies, and when Buman was afraid, he would hold Buman in his arms.

    Does Kebman look scared?

    It was the new self, who had never watched horror movies. If the chain fell, he was worried that he would throw himself into Boman's arms!

    If one fails, it will damage his manly image!

    "No, no need, don't watch the horror movie, let's talk about it tomorrow."

    That Xin was simply discouraged, and his little brother also followed.

    He has lived to this age, except for Boman, it seems that he has never had such a big reaction to any woman.

    What's more, if it wasn't for Yao Xi's push, Xin would feel that it's better to take things slowly.

    But Yao Xi sent so many messages in a series of messages, so even if Xin Xin didn't have such an idea before, Yao Xi was forced to give birth to such an idea.

    At this moment, that new side was lying on the sofa, pursed his mouth, and kept telling himself in his heart, to be calm and calm!

    At this moment, Yao Xi's news came again.

    "How is it? Have you watched horror movies?"

    Naxin vowed that since he knew Yao Xi when he was studying abroad with Yao Xi, Yao Xi had never been so concerned about him.

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