Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 Children

    The crew was relatively scattered at this time, but Ye Yilun's voice was very loud, and he was full of anger. After tightening Qiu Yifeng's collar, several staff members around came up to pull the frame.

    "Remove Qi, eliminate Qi, what's the big deal, Young Master Ye, let it go." The assistant director said this.

    Ye Yilun was very strong, and when he tightened Qiu Yifeng's collar, Qiu Yifeng's face was flushed red by Tales.

    If this is a real fight, it is clear at a glance who will suffer.

    Ye Yilun stared at Qiu Yifeng for a while, then let go of him, pointing at the bridge of his nose and scolding: "You'd better not mess with me in the future, the farther away you are from me, the better."

    Qiu Yifeng still needs to distinguish something, the assistant director is directly angry He glared at him, then reprimanded: "Young Master Ye doesn't care about you anymore, what else do you want?"

    Qiu Yifeng suddenly remembered that he had dared to be tough with others in other crews because there was still Yu Wan guard.

    Who is he now? Win Warren?

    Wen Hualun heard that he was bullied by Boman before, but he just sneered and didn't even fart.

    Qiu Yifeng suddenly regretted, why did he take such a role in order to enter the film circle.

    There are not many scenes, and he has to be angry. Therefore, Yao Xi is also dissatisfied with him.

    Seeing that he was still acquainted, Ye Yilun gave a cold snort and said to the assistant director: "Assistant director, please arrange it. When the martial arts instructor, let him practice alone, I don't want to be with him." The

    assistant director After listening, he continued: "Okay, okay, you have the final say, from now on, I'll find someone to guide you, can you see it?"

    Ye Yilun straightened his collar, frowned, and said, "Don't be so troublesome, You don't need to specialize me, I just said, I don't want to be with him." The

    assistant director was stunned for a while, then said yes again and again.

    Before leaving, the assistant director also muttered in a low voice: "Mad, find a bunch of related households to join the group, they are all ancestors!"

    After the assistant director withdrew, Yu Guan gave Ye Yilun a light push: "Director Hua is not in the group, you can make trouble once, don't make Director Hua unhappy. Then he will get angry and take care of him. If your father is an investor, he will definitely not cooperate with you next time."

    Ye Yilun was also angry: "You didn't hear it, I ignored him, okay? He came up to find fault!"

    Yu Guan glared. He glanced at him: "What are you yelling at me for? Did I say this for your own good?"

    Ye Yilun immediately froze, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Yu Guan, I didn't rush at you, I wasn't wronged by Yao Xi last night. After a while, I'm angry."

    Ye Yilun kept saying that he was wronged by Yao Xi, which made Yu Wan almost brainwashed by him.

    In fact, this matter was already suspicious, but last night Yu Guan pushed it back and felt that Yao Xi should not hurt himself like that for the trivial matter of framing Ye Yilun.

    Later, Yu Guan told Buman about it, and Buman also thought that Mr. Yao should not be such a person.

    But Ye Yilun doesn't seem like a liar!

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