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It's been a week I'm finally allowed to be left alone and Sarah stays all the time that leads up to right now " wake up maisie I hear someone in the house" I groan and sit up and see her in one of my tops she's smaller I smirk

" probably the maids" I mumble turning on my back " no listen" I hear heavy footsteps and they aren't any of my families or maids " put some pants on hurry" I throw on a vest and grab my gun before putting boots on and lexi has boots and my top with some pants she has used a belt with

" stay behind the door and don't come out unless I come get you" she nods and I shut the door behind me going down the hall slowly

I see two men with a moustache and hats i shoot them in the heart quickly before grabbing Sarah and we run out and we make it to small health " anyone here" I shout before letting Sarah in and after shutting and locking the door and everyone comes stumbling in the door looking frantic

" your okay oh my-" dad cuts himself off my checking if I'm alive and he sighs " why was there two men in the house" dad looks at me and straightens out his posture " Italians maisie are they still there" I shake my head " no shot them both" Sarah pulls me outside " I'm gonna go home call me when you can come out or be left alone" I nod and she kisses my cheek I pull her back

And attach my lips to hers before leaning against the house wall watch her scurry down the road I laugh " eyeing her up are we" I jump and see Ada " nope" I say turning around and walking into the house and see dad sat here staring into space "where was you last night you didn't come home" dad face looses a bit of couloir but blushes

And attach my lips to hers before leaning against the house wall watch her scurry down the road I laugh " eyeing her up are we" I jump and see Ada " nope" I say turning around and walking into the house and see dad sat here staring into space "whe...

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" keep it down will you" he shuts the den doors and I come to realisation "oh my god" I point at dad " I know where you was" he stares at me and then I laugh " maisie keep it down will you" I nod and smirk as he sits back down and I sit next to him " so did you tell Alfie I miss him" I laugh he hits my head upwards I glare at him

" shut it or I tell blonde about the time you fell down the stairs" I nod " you know she has a name right" he shrugs " okay and" he rolls his eyes I scoff and put a hand over my heart " you wound me dad" he laughs

" where are your clothes" I look at him confused " oh I'm sorry between saving myself and sarah as well as killing two Italians I didn't have time to have a waldrobe change" I say sarcasm dripping off my tounge " okay put this on then" he puts his blazer in his hand extending it to me I think about it

" you know what I might stay like this" he shakes his head and I stand up " dad it's hot I'm not bloody super human" he shoves it at me I walk into the den moving around people from dad when I see dad shoving people I laugh as I stand on one side of the table " put this on right now" I shake my head he walks around I stand on a desk and Jump of the other side

"Now" he says as I bump into him he puts it on my shoulders I roll my eyes putting my arms through. We sit in his office I sit at the window as I look into the street

I was going out to a party and I was wearing

With some white boots I got made ages ago and I walk downstairs my 13 year old self hoping I'd get pass dad " maisie get here" I turn around and walk to the living room and dad raises his eye brows and shakes his head " go get changed right now"

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With some white boots I got made ages ago and I walk downstairs my 13 year old self hoping I'd get pass dad " maisie get here" I turn around and walk to the living room and dad raises his eye brows and shakes his head " go get changed right now"

I go to make a quick exit but get stopped "you'll be grounded maisie I swear get back here right now" I groan storming back " what dad" he stands up and walks towards me " what's happening- you look cute" mum cuts herself out

" I was going out before mr protective over here decided to be himself" I point at dad and mum smiles " let her go Tommy" dad shakes his head downing his drink " nope she's thirteen not thirty" I roll my eyes and look at mums watch " I'm late I'm going shout at me later" I say walking to the front door

" where are you even-" I slam the door shut and then leave going to a party. When I get home I go to my room and change into shorts and a big top that is one of my dads old sleeping tops

I go back downstairs for a drink of water and sit on the counter looking out the window at the garden " so it was you" I jump turning around I see dad " thought you went to bed" I say carry on looking out the window " no waiting for you since it is 1 in the morning" I shrug and finish the glass I put it in the sink getting down and walking pst dad but he grabs me by my arm

" you been crying" I shake my head at him " no" he tilts my head up to meet his eyes but must see the brusie on my kneck " is that a hand primo maisie speak" I nod " it's just a bruise I'm okay"

" what happen eh thought we told each other everything" it's true we do " nothing just a boy though the wrong ideas I should have listened he didn't get that far before I kicked him in the balls ans knocked him clean out" dad pulls me in for a hug

" boys are animals" I hum wrapping my arms around dad and sigh " no more parties promise" I nod putting my pinky out he gives me a look but links it anyway

" come on let's go to bed" I nod and before I know it I'm asleep

Maisie Shelby [peaky blinders]Where stories live. Discover now