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We all had to move back to small heath after the Italians in the house dad said it wasn't safe and Alfie moved to Margate with cirral but something is off with Sarah

" maisie stop" she snaps I only tried to hug her " what's wrong" she walks out of pollys kitchen I groan grabbing my blazer going after her " maisie don't be late to the meeting" John shouts I nod walkinh out and see Sarah walking into her house

I groan in annoyance. And walk back in slamming the door and walking into the kitchen of polls dad is on the phone speaking in a hushed voice " we all have a meeting at the big house tomorrow" I nod at him

Later that day all of the family is in dads office sitting around " okay so I've made a deal and you all go peacefully" panic rises in me and worry " listen you all go peacefully" police swarm the office and me and dad make eye contact as moss puts me in cuffs

" moss wait" he nods " dad promise me you'll look after blonde" he nods and kisses my head " I'm sorry" I let a tear fall " I fucking hate you" I mumble as I get dragged out and we all get out in vans

6 months later
"Polly POLLY" I kick around as a noose gets out around my kneck I look at polly she holds my hand " I love you" I mumble and she says a prayer

I see someone's hand go on the leaver and I close my eyes " WAIT WAIT NOT YET" a voice comes shouting I open my eyes and the noose get takes off

Me and polly finally leave and fin Isiah are there for me and Micheal is there for polly " where we taking you maisie" I shrug " dads I'm guessing" he nods and soon he stops the car

I get out and see dad standing in his office window I stuff my hands in my pockets before walking in and straight to my room locking the door

I shower and change into a different suit and I brush my hair. I look in the mirror not recognising who it is I've lost weight I'm whiter

I unlock the doors and take deep breathe before walking out I go to the living room and pour myself a whiskey i see dad leaning against the door frame

 I down another glass of whiskey " so" he starts I don't turn to face him " have you taken my gun" he hums I scoff " yes I did and I -I'm sorry" I shrug " well you only have yourself to blame pols gonna go mental John and Arthur won't speak to you...

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I down another glass of whiskey " so" he starts I don't turn to face him " have you taken my gun" he hums I scoff " yes I did and I -I'm sorry" I shrug " well you only have yourself to blame pols gonna go mental John and Arthur won't speak to you fin and Isiah are your lap dog you shot fucking Alfie and mums gone to America" I shout facing him

" how the fuck do you know" I laugh bitterly " because I know people okay at this point I don't even know why I'm here but again I know if I fucking left we'd both loose our shit so here we are"

" I'm sorry okay" I nod and take a deep breathe " she avoids me or any blinder her dad held town and it's just her she's been stuck in that house for days boys have been watching it she used to come down but she stopped and started avoiding me" I nod looking at my feet

" I wrote but she never wrote back" dad laughs lightly " I didn't get a letter" I nod " I'm going blondes I'll be back later" he nods and I walk to Sarah's

I knock on the door but she doesn't answer so I open it and it's unlocked I walk in and see her sat on her kitchen counter I shut the door I walk over " boo" she screams and see she's been crying " maisie" she sobs into my shoulder I burry my head in her kneck wrapping my arms around her " yes it's me love"

We pull away I cup her face and kiss her deeply and pull away " I love you Sarah" she sniffle and smiles " I love you too maisie" I kiss her again putting my hand on the back of her kneck and trail them down her kneck sucking till she moans I smirk

I continue she tilts her head back " can I take this off"I tug at the bottom of her top she nods and I pull it off " upstairs" she mumbles against my lips before she runs upstairs

I lock the doors and follow after her

I wake up the next morning and feel sick " Sarah I have to go home" I whisper in her ear kissing her forhead. I put my top and blazer on as wel as my shoes cover Sarah back up

When I get home I go to my bathroom and throw my lungs up in front of the bowl "maisie you okay" I hear pol why's she here I'll never know

I carry on throwing up for about five minuites then stand up flushing and brushing my teeth. I walk into my room and see pol stood near my window I take my blazer off " come here" she says and then grabs my boobs

" polly" I whine " how late are you" she asks I move her hands "two weeks" I sit on my bed looking at the floor I let my tears fall " how maisie don't tell me-" I cut her off " yes polly I was raped because when your young and weak and in fucking pain not being able to do anything they take Advantage" I shout and I button my top up before putting my blazer on

" where you going" I see my gun I pick it up " the doctors polly" I storm out of my room and shove past dad who was on his way in " oi" he shouts I ignore I'm as I walk back to small heath I go to Sarah's and see she's awake I shut the door

" I'm pregnant" I say and she looks at me shocked " maisie what" I nod letting tears fall " it happened while I was in prison what am I meant to do" she hugs me as I sob into her shoulder " I'm here ate we you decide to do" I nod and she sighs " have you told anyone" I shake my head

" only polly knows she won't tell dad I know she won't" I stand up properly and Sarah convinced me to come back to bed she plays with my hair " we will be okay" I hum as I close my eyes

Weeks go by I stay at Sarah's you can see a little bump I've decided to go home and Sarah is coming " ready" I say holding her hand and we walk into the house I see fin and dad arguing and Isiah trying to calm fin down

" what's happening" I say moving Sarah behind me " maisie why would you do that" I look confused " what what did I do fin" I ask as he walks closer " you said you wouldn't kiss another one of my friends"'I scoff " I didn't do shit" I shout at him

He punches me right in the stomach I groan putting hands on my knees Sarah screams at him shoving him away I hold my stomach " she's pregnant fin"Polly shouts

She literally appears from no where " maisie look at me" I shake my head she kneels so I can see her " get them out of here" polly tell Sarah to move the boys and I groan in pain " we need to go to the hospital" pol helps me stand up straight

Once we get to the hospital they do a ultrasound and there's nothing " I'm so sorry miss Shelby I'll give you a minuite want me to send anyone in" I shake my head

I wipe my stomach and sit up groaning they said it would be sore for a while and I'd bleed but evening it will stop I put my clothes back on and walk out I see Sarah she stands up she hugs me but not to tight " I lost the baby" I whisper in her kneck she rubs my back

Maisie Shelby [peaky blinders]Where stories live. Discover now