(11) Opportunity

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I look at Camilo. He looks at me. We both turn red and turn away.

My thoughts are running all over the place. Argh, this is a disaster! We haven't had a conversation since I kissed him and now I'm stuck with him?

Camilo clicks his tongue. "Well...they did leave us all this food. It'd be a shame if we were to waste it."

I chuckle. Camilo could never pass up an opportunity for food.  We sit down on the mat, and I dig through the basket. Camilo takes a small bag out of the basket and opens it. "Arepas! YES!" he exclaims, taking one of the arepas and taking a bite from it. "Want one?" He asks, holding one of the snacks out to me.

I happily nod and begin munching on the arepa. We sit in pleasant silence for a few minutes, just eating and listening to the choir of birds singing around us. As we finish the last of the meal Mirabel and Dolores packed for us, the silence shifts from pleasant, to awkward very quickly. I begin fidgeting with my hair. "So..."

Camilo glances over at me. "Yeah?"

"I don't know, I was just trying to break the silence," I say with a small laugh.


I gaze at Camilo's face, trying to read what he's thinking. I can't stop thinking about when I kissed him... What if he doesn't like me that way but now, he knows I like him that way? Things would be so awkward. Maybe he's just not telling me he doesn't like me that way, so he doesn't hurt my feelings! What if he hates me? Or what if-


I snap away from my thoughts and realize I've been staring at Camilo this whole time. "Y-Yeah?"

"Did I have something on my face? You've been staring fo-"

I quickly cut him off. "Yes! That's exactly why I was staring at you! You had food on your face, but I didn't know how to tell you." I couldn't help but wonder if Camilo knew I was making stuff up.

Camilo wipes his cheek with the back of his hand. "Did I get it?"

I give him two thumbs up. "Yup!" Of course, he got it. There was nothing there in the first place!

Camilo rests one of his arms on his knee. "Can I tell you something? It's something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a while now. "

"You can tell me anything."

Camilo softly smiles at me. "I'm not the best with words...but from the moment you and I met, I knew there was something different about you. You cared about who I really was, not just the people I became. You helped remind me to take the time to figure out who I was. I've grown so much these past few days because of you. You're my best friend..." Camilo turns to face me and takes a deep breath. His freckled cheeks become rosy. "...but I'd like to be more than that."

My. Heart. Stops.

"Y-You like me...?"

"When you got hurt when Casita fell, it made me realize just how much you mean to me. If you don't feel the same way I understand, too. Just forget I ever said any-"

I put my hands on the sides of Camilo's face and kiss him. Not on the cheek, on the lips. Camilo's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly closes them in content. He cups my head in his gentle hands and kisses me back. We melt into one another, and I can hear the fireworks going off inside my head. As we part, we gaze into each other's eyes and smile. Both of our cheeks are equally red. "I like you too," I say in a hushed voice.

:-:Camilo's POV:-:

Camilo rests one of his arms on his knee. "Can I tell you something? It's something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a while now. " This is it Camilo... just say what's been on your mind. It's the perfect opportunity to tell her how you feel. The worst thing that'll happen is she'll say she doesn't feel the same way and things will be awkward forever! No pressure.

(Yn) smiles at the boy. "You can tell me anything." She says, her (ec) eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

Camilo softly smiles at her. His stomach was tied into several knots. "I'm not the best with words...but from the moment you and I met, I knew there was something different about you. You cared about who I really was, not just the people I became. You helped remind me to take the time to figure out who I was. I've grown so much these past few days because of you. You're my best friend..." Camilo turns to face (Yn) and takes a deep breath. His freckled cheeks become rosy. "...but I'd like to be more than that."

The (Hc) headed girl's jaw drops. "Y-you like me...?" She asks in disbelief.

Camilo doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing. He continues. "When you got hurt when Casita fell, it made me realize just how much you mean to me. If you don't feel the same way I understand, too. Just forget I ever said any-"

(Yn) puts her hands on the sides of Camilo's face and kisses him. Not on the cheek this time, on the lips. Camilo's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly closes them in content. He cups her head in his gentle hands and kisses the girl back. Camilo can hardly believe it. This has to be a dream... As the two part, they gaze into each other's eyes and smile. Both of their cheeks are equally red. "I like you too." (Yn) says in a hushed voice.

Camilo pulls (Yn) into a close embrace, and she nuzzles into his chest, just as she did back when he got her out of dinner. "I'm so scared..." He softly says.


"Because this is too perfect to be real. I know that any moment now I'll wake back up from this dream." He mumbles, leaning his head on (Yn)'s.

(Yn) looks up at him. "Do you need me to pinch you?"

Camilo chuckles. "Nah. If we are dreaming, I'd rather not wake up." He says, laying back on the orange blanket.

(Yn) lies down on top of him, and rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Can we just stay like this for a bit?" She asks.

Camilo rests his hands on her back. "Sounds good to me."

As the birds continue to sing, the two teens lay together in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a pleasant silence.

Just the two of them.


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