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So I have a special announcement.

Drumroll please!

(You'd better do it)

I'm making a brand new CamiloxReader book!

*insert confetti*

I have zero self-control.

Yeah so long story short, I really miss writing about Camilo and the rest of the Madrigals, so I was like, why not make a one shot book?

If you don't know what a one shot book is, it's basically a book of a bunch of mini-stories. So this way I'll get to keep writing about Camilo, but I also won't have to deal with a whole overarching plot.

And another bonus: I'll be including one shots that'll be extensions to this book! (They'll all take place after chapter 13 but before the wedding in 15) I'm excited because it'll give me a chance to show you guys the ideas I had for this book that never made the final cut.

Anyways, I'm still a full time student who's sold her soul to drama club, so the the book probably won't be out until early April. I'm super hyped to share it with you guys!

I just wanted to let you know ahead of time to give you some warning lol

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