(12) Vibrant

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:-:Three Months Later:-:

The townspeople and I gather around the new Casa Madrigal. It looked similar to the original, besides the fact that Casita and all of the colors were no longer present. We all stand in front of the house and admire our work. After long days of sweat, determination, and hope, a brand-new house stood where Casita once was. Camilo walks up to me and takes my hand, and I intertwine our fingers. I smile at him, and he smiles back. After Mirabel and Dolores set us up, it wasn't long before we started dating and made it official. I love every second of it, and I can tell that Camilo feels the same way.

Alma and Mirabel slowly walk up to the house. It took some time, but they've finally worked through their differences, and have become super close with each other.

M: "Home sweet home...I like the new foundation."

Alma gently nudges her granddaughter. "It isn't perfect,"

"Neither are we," Mirabel says back.

"That's true." Alma smiles lovingly at Mirabel. "Just one more thing, before the celebration~"

I reach into my pocket and pull out a custom-made doorknob, with an 'M' on the front. I kneel down and hand it to Antonio, who smiles at me. Camilo ruffles the hair on his head, and Antonio giggles before running over to his cousin.

B: "We need a doorknob~"

Antonio holds up the doorknob to Mirabel. "We made this one for you." He softly says, placing it in her hands.

Mirabel looks surprised but smiles.

All: "We see how bright you burn~

We see how brave you've been.

Now, see yourself in turn~"

B: "You're the real gift kid, let us in."

A: "Open your eyes, what do you see?"

Mirabel looks at herself in the reflection of the shiny doorknob. Her eyes fill with tears. "I see me...All of me." She turns back to all of us, and we smile at her. I gently nod my head and mouth 'go on' to her and she smiles.

Mirabel slowly walks up to the front door and places the doorknob in its rightful place. The door suddenly lights up with a golden glow that extends throughout the entire house, bringing Casita back and restoring the life of the miracle. The house was truly once again the ever-vibrant Casa Madrigal. Camilo and I smile at each other and begin celebrating. We happily jump up and down. "WE HAVE A HOUSE AGAIN!" Camilo cheers.

"I can't believe Casita's back! This is amazing!" I exclaim, grabbing hold of Camilo's arm right before I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Camilo touches the spot where I kissed him and smirks. "Two can play that game, Señorita." He spins me in a circle and dips me backward, right before kissing me on the lips. I happily kiss him back, when we're suddenly interrupted by the floor of Casita transporting us into the house.

Isabela's beautiful, exotic, flowers grow from the banisters, and I notice Antonio smiling and laughing as he's reunited with his animal friends. Upbeat, joyful music can be heard as the townspeople are celebrating and dancing. The tiles in Casita's floor begin pushing together the Madrigal family and I smile as Mirabel grabs my hands and pulls me into the group for a picture. "Everyone, together!" Alma happily says.

We all smile at the camera, "LA FAMILA MADRIGA-!" We're all cut off as Casita's floor ripples, pushing us all together in the shot. We all burst out laughing as we fall into one another and topple to the floor like dominos.


After a little while of dancing and hanging out with the family and the rest of the towns people, Camilo and I grabbed a couple of sticks of fried corn and sat in the hallway upstairs, peeking through the banister at the people celebrating below. The only light shining on us was the beautiful golden glow coming from the doors. I laughed as Camilo shape-shifted into different people from town, jokingly imitating them.

"Oh wait, I've got one!" He exclaims, shifting just his head into a man named Osvaldo, who was known for trying to make people feel better but instead just making them feel worse. I think back to when Mirabel told me how he gave her a gift known as the 'Not special special.' Big yikes.

Camilo begins fake laughing. "'Luisa, the donkeys got out again! Silly me! Could you go round them all up for the third time today?'" Camilo says in a surprisingly accurate Osvaldo voice.

I chuckle. "That's one of the best ones yet!"

Camilo shifts back into himself. "It's my second favorite impression." He says with a smile.

I take a bite from my corn. "What's your favorite?"

Camilo shifts into his dad and makes an annoyed-looking face. "'Camilo, stop pretending your Dolores so you can get seconds!'" He says, putting his hands on his hips.

"That sounds so accurate!" I exclaim. "I bet your dad just loves it when you imitate him." I tease.

Camilo shrugs his shoulders. "Just about as much as he loves when I try to steal second helpings during mealtime." He says with a smile.

"How are you doing, by the way?" I ask, setting down my corn on the plate Casita brought me. "Is it weird to have your gift again after not having it for the past couple of months?"

"I'm glad to have it back because as much as it can have its disadvantages, it's still a part of who I am." Camilo smiles as he examines his hands, looking to be deep in thought. "I don't necessarily think that the gift itself was the problem before, I think it was Abuela. I just didn't realize that until Mirabel called her out on it. My power is a gift, but it was just being mistreated."

I gently place my hands in his own. "Camilo, you've grown a lot these past few months. I'm honestly so proud of you. I mean, you started out not knowing who you were, and look at you now." I smile at him. "You're able to love yourself and your gift. I'm really happy for you."

Camilo smiles and his cheeks turn red. "Thanks, (yn). But you're the one who helped me so much."

"I only helped a little bit. You were the one who found yourself. If anything, I should be thanking you."

Camilo tilts his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"You're the first person who's truly understood me. You make me feel worthy... Like my emotions aren't unusual or invalid." I ever so softly grin. "It's such an amazing feeling, do you know what that's like?"

Camilo cups my cheek with his hand, and I blush at the contact. He smiles at me. "I know exactly what it's like."

"I love you, Camilo."

"I love you too."

Camilo and I gently connect our lips right as colorful, vibrant; fireworks begin shooting off into the sky.

But they weren't nearly as loud as the fireworks going off in my own head.

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