(15) Señora

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I take a deep breath and let it out.

This is it.

"(Yn), Quit squirming!" Isabela scolds.

I quickly try to sit straight up, and Isabela continues to make small white flowers appear and carefully places them in my hair. My mother was behind me completing last-minute alterations to my dress.

I can feel Mirabel starting to position the veil on my head, and I try to remain as still as possible

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I can feel Mirabel starting to position the veil on my head, and I try to remain as still as possible. I still can't believe, in less than an hour, I was going to be Mrs. Camilo Madrigal.

Everyone always says how a girl's wedding day is going to be the happiest day of her life, but all I felt right now was nervous. "What if something goes wrong?" I worriedly ask nobody in particular. My mom smiles at me.

"(Yn), just remember, today isn't about all the fancy decorations or the dress. It's about you and Camilo. Just the two of you." She tells me.

Mirabel gently drapes the veil over my face, right as Dolores comes into the room. "It's time!" She declares. Dolores smiles at me. "I can't wait to have a sister-in-law." She whispers.

I slowly stand up, being extra careful not to do anything that would ruffle my dress. I walk out of the small changing room and take a deep breath. Mirabel pats my shoulder comfortingly. "You'll be okay." She softly tells me.

My mom walks up to me with tears in her eyes. "You look lovely, sweetie." She pulls me into a warm embrace before heading into the church to take her seat.

Isabela makes bouquets of flowers grow, and she passes them out to me and the other bridesmaids. The bridesmaids all wore long (fc) dresses and had white roses in their hair. As the girls get into their line, Luisa hands Antonio a small (fc) pillow, with the wedding rings gently placed on it. He smiles and begins walking down the aisle, followed by Dolores, Isabela, and Luisa. My maid of honor, Mirabel, gives me a reassuring nod. "Good luck." She smiles.

I smile back as she begins walking down the aisle like the rest of the wedding party. I tightly clasp onto my bouquet as I hear everyone inside the church stand up. That's my cue. As I walk into the building, soft music begins playing and the guests gasp when they see me in my gown.

Dos oruguitas enamoradas

Pasan sus noches y madrugadas

Llenas de hambre, siguen andando

I smile brightly as I slowly begin my walk down the aisle. The sunlight shines through a stained-glass window above the altar, lighting up my white dress with a multi-colored beam.

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