A Book Signing (2)

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"So the next time you put the turkey in, check the temperature of the oven twice." The Author of the cookbook suggets as she does a signing, or meet and greet for her new book. I stand near the entrance, not really into what she's saying. But, apparently the audience is.

I turn my head slightly after hearing foot steps stop by me, and see Handsome Harry once again, with his curly hair resting above his dark, long eyelashes that cover his perfect green eyes. Oh my gosh, what the hell am I thinking. I thought I was over guys, 'not looking'?

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a whisper tone, inquistitvely but in a nice manor.He grins slightly, giving me a cheeky smile that falls perfectly with his face.

"Um, I like to cook." He points suggestively to the author who continues to speak.

"You don't really look like the cooking type. Do you even know how to cook a turkey?" I ask , playing a smile on my face. He hesitates, and I smirk.

"Okay well I don't know how to cook. Doesn't mean I can't learn." He leans against the same post as me, only on the opposite side of it.

"Give me a real reason?" I whisper back, raising my eyebrow slightly, crossing my arms again.

"Okay fine, I'm not here to cook, you caught me." He chuckles softly, curling his lips even more. The sides of my lips turn up aswell again.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He answers after a moment, both of our eyes on the author. I sigh, biting my lip slightly.

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." I glare at the ground, then slowly trail my eyes up.

"Why, and don't just say you're not interested in men. You don't seem gay." He answers, and I'm instantly appauled.

"I am not gay!" I whisper, but it comes out more than that. Everyone in the audience stares at us, and I quickly shut my mouth.

"Excuse me, but could you two talk outside?" The author retorts, clearly saying we're not wanted. I nod, giving her a slight smile and taking Harry's arm out the door, oh and him aswell.

"Okay, okay!" He chuckles, his voice deep with his accent. "So why can't you have dinner with me?"

"I told you, it's just not a good time in my life." I shrug slightly, shaking my head.

"Wait, so you are gay?" He smirks, playfully saying it. I groan again, but feel another smile creeping up on me.

"Well love, do you have any plans tonight?" He says.

"Yes. I'm going to finish this up, and go home and eat take out." I answer.

"How about we both walk to get our take out together, buy our own meals and say good bye?" He uncertaintly questions, shrugging his shoulders in his black, tight t-shirt that reveals more than just his biceps. I pause, looking this over before agreeing.

When we arrive, we've already talked about some things, how old we are, him 24 aswell, what our jobs are. Although, he undoubtly already knows mine. It turns out Harry's a singer in a small band, but also does boxing matches. The crazy thing is, he doesn't seem dangerous. I've always thought that people who did boxing we're dangerous.

"Ladies first." He gestures for me to go ahead of him in line, and I laugh slightly.

I'm about to buy my own food, when Harry steps in, 20$ bill in hand.

"Here you go," He says in 'our' deep british accent.

I'm about to object when the clerk quickly takes the money and hands me my food.I shake my head laughing.

"I thought we had an agreement?" I question.

"Well, this was my idea and I.. felt I should be responsible." He shrugs, grinning once again as he grabs his food. "Oh and as this is my idea, I don't think you should walk home alone. This is.." I see a slight pink blush brighten his cheeks and I take a sip of my drink, smiling again.

"..a dangerous neighborhood, I should walk you home to be safe." I laugh aloud, seeing as he's trying every way to spend more time with me tonight.

I'm about to object, before I realize, I like spending time with him.

"Okay, fine Handsome Harry." I basically blurt, giggling just a bit. He chuckles about my comment , his white teeth gleaming.

As we start to walk, I get curious about Harry, and his past.

"So, where did you grow up?" I ask, my curiousity getting ahead of me.

"Right here, In Cheshire. You?" He takes a sip of his water, his teeth grazing the straw as if he wanted me to see it. I blush as my eyes linger on him for a second more.

"Same aswell. Highschool?"

"I switched, about 3 or 4 times.." He says quietly. I sense that he doesn't want to talk about it, but I want to know. I let my kindness get the better of me.

"Oh, I went to Wilmslow." I say.

"Yeah I went there for about a year. It was...a, nice school? Mr.Rasby hated me, his mustache did aswell." I laugh uncontrollably, reminicing in old highschool memories.

"Weird, I don't remember you. Oh wait, did you have shorter hair?" I ask, having a slight memory of a bad boy.

"Uhm, yes I did. It looked pathetic, didn't it?" I laugh again, and so does Harry. I like Handsome Harry, I come to realize.

We reach my house again, and I turn to face Harry. I do remember him fully now, he was always getting ahead of himself in Science I believe. Mr.Rabsy did not like him.

"This is me. Oh wait, you already know when you stole my cab." I smirk, stepping forward slightly.

"That was my cab." He says, grinning once again. We pause, looking into each other's eyes. For a reason I don't know, I don't blush. I feel like I could look i his eyes..forever?

"You're beautiful, you know love?" His comment makes me feel, amazing despite the events of the week so far.

"And you're handsome." I say softly. He chuckles slightly, leaning down from his tall frame until he's inches away from mine. My breath hitches just before he leans impossibly closer, pressing his lips against mine, our lips meeting until uniting as one. His lips, are soft, and have the slight taste of coke from his drink. I pull away, heart beating abnormally and my cheeks pink. His face is sculpted to look in mine without nervousness, some trait I wish I had. I turn slightly, smiling against him before I do.

"Be safe, Handsome." I say, running a bit up my stairs.

"I'll come by your book store tomorrow." He says, leaving me with his beaming smile before he turns down the sidewalk.

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