(14) We are Together

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Chapter 14

I had told Liam about our phone call, since apparently he wasn't listening in which I highly doubt, but then again his sleepy state was obvious.

"Did he say when he was coming?" I sighed, shaking my head and grabbing the baby book and glancing through it. I had read basically everything, from diaper changing to the food cravings during pregnancy.

"Well, I guess he'll be coming soon. Anything else he said?" He asked another question and I sighed loudly.

"No, Liam. I told you everything. Can I please just go to sleep?" I muttered, sliding down and turning on my side. I preferred to sleep on my back, but I didn't really want to look that way. I waited for him to get out of the bed, but he stayed permanently as he turned off the light leaving pitch darkness to surround us. Didn't he get the memo? I wanted to sulk by myself, not with odd Liam on the other side of the bed. The baby started to kick, and I moved my hands so I could feel the gentle bump of the kick. I smiled to myself, closing my eyes. I secretly couldn't wait for Harry to come home. Don't get me wrong, Liam was really nice and probably one of my bestfriends now.. but he couldn't be Harry. No, it wouldn't happen.

Sleep welcomed me faster than what I had thought, and I accepted it's offer falling asleep in seconds. When I woke up the next morning, Liam was still there sleeping like a baby. I was glad he hadn't tried to get too cozy to me in the night, he gave me my respected space. I liked that about him.

After getting up and having a shower, lathering my hair and tying it up into a simple pony tail. Harry might be coming home, so I then decided to let it down and let it air dry to make it curly, something that Harry had never seen on me.

"Hey. I'm sorry." Liam said, giving me a worried look. Oh right, he was sorry about last night and his persistent questions about Harry and I's phone call. Why did he care? Or maybe, he was just being helpful in his own way.

"It's okay." I answered honestly, and he devoured me into one of his warm and comfortable hugs. I could tell the difference between the two hugs - Harry and Liam's. Harry was cuddly and the feeling of being safe, while Liam's were comfortable and careful. Like as if he was holding a small baby in his arms, and maybe that's what I was. Just a big baby who couldn't keep her emotions in check.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He murmured in my ear, and I smiled slightly. He had gotten started on the pancakes, finishing them and giving me two large ones and him three. Liam was a slow eater, while I couldn't wait to get the fluffy things into my overstuffed mouth. Just when I finished, a knock on the door surprised the both of us. I looked to Liam warily, what if it was some crazy chick who had a baseball bat in her hands ready to knock the crap out of me?

"I'll get it." He mumbled, walking slowly to the door and peering through the peep hole. He pulled his face away, chuckling as he did. I scrunched my eyebrows together, but then soon my eyes widened as he opened the door.

There stood the, Handsome Harry with a rather wide grin and wide eyes as he looked down the hall at me. I stood up quickly, walking down the hall and smiling more than I had in a week or two. He took me into his strong, safe arms and hugged me tightly while murmuring some 'I love you's' into my ear. This moment, it was more than perfect.

He snaked his arms around my waist while pulling back, bending down slightly as he rested his lips to meet mine. His lips, I never realized just how much I missed them. I knew better than to turn this into a full out snog, but Harry thought better as he practically forced his lips into mine breaking for an entrance. I laughed slightly, pulling back to look into his pale green eyes.

"I missed you, so dam much." He mumbled slightly, gazing into my eyes and making a blush form it's way onto my cheeks.

"I missed you." I whispered, but then I had remembered that Liam was standing by the door, an awkward look on his face.

"I'll just be going, I'll see you guys around." He beckoned, nodding to us with a small smile. I felt bad for Liam, but then again happiness pulled me in. Harry mouthed a thank you, before shutting the door behind him and looking down to my bump. It had grown, no doubt since it had been 2 weeks.

"How've you been, with everything? Did you manage without the amazing me?" I laughed again, but I gasped shortly after as his arms effortlessly lifted me up into a wedding style hold. He chuckled, diving in for another kiss. Our lips moved against each other with ease, and he continued to walk to where ever we were going. I didn't care, as long as Harry was there.


I rested myself onto the silk sheet covers, Harry draping them around us to cover us up. I smiled again, reliving those little moments. Harry's build was so perfect, with muscles that would hold you when you felt faint or eyes that would concentrate into yours. His curls were tousled, probably from me. I blushed slightly at my inside comment, hoping that it wasn't that visible.

"You're so perfect." I heard him mumble, as his soft hands took strands of my hair, and he twirled them with a look of pure amazement in his eyes. I looked through my lashes, seeing his eyes travel back to mine. He leaned forward slowly, keeping his eyes trained on mine until our lips met again fro the thousandth time or so. Every time, it would just be like the first kiss. Leaving me wanting more.

"You're more than perfect." I mumbled against his lips, catching his calming eyes again. He smirked slightly, giving me one more small kiss before take me into his arms. He was shirtless, his toned muscles more visible to me. I nestled into his curved figure, finding a perfect place to rest. Forgetting everything that was going on and about behind these perfect moments was easy, but when the moments were over it all came back.

Those two girls, the small headache that was growing more, but if I just closed my eyes it would all go back to normal. So, I did with Harry's hands tracing small patterns on my shoulders, back, arms, leaving me with tingling and his touch.

 I realize this chapter and the last was short, but I promise to make it up to you! I've been tremendously busy with homework and such, (school stuff among things) so I will be doing *drum roll* A CONTEST, IF THIS CHAPTER GETS MORE THAN 50-75 VIEWS! I know I'm asking a lot, but I couldn't think of any way to create a contest aha! SO, spread the story, reread, and add to your library! The contest is going to be big, and I'll make an AUTHORS NOTE on it! Thank you, as always, for reading and voting and being the most fantastic people ever. I am so glad to have fans, I honestly never thought I would have any! xx


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