(15) Her

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Chapter 15

Harry's P.O.V

I didn't realize I was smiling wide while watching her sleep, no not in that vampire's, Edward's, creepy way.

But she looked so much more relaxed, so peaceful in her sleep it was hard not to. Her lips were almost pouting while her eye lids fluttered here and there, her hair cascading down her shoulders.

She shuffled slightly, moving closer to me. I smirked to myself a little, even in her sleep she wanted to be closer to me. Her bump was softly felt, and I realized that she was now reaching four months. Four whole months, and I've only been with her for 3. Yet it felt like forever, it felt like I loved her more than anyone has ever loved someone. Our love was different from any of those kind of loves you see in movies - it wasn't fake or absolutely perfect.

No, it was so much more special, better, and real.


Soft lips pressed against mine, my senses coming back to me as I responded to her lucious lips.

She pulled back, laughing at me. I hazily blinked my eyes before adjusting them to her smiling face,

"Well, you finally woke up." She murmured, now laying on me. Her dark chocolate curls were hanging in loose curls around her, her eyes looking into mine.

"I will always wake up with your kisses." I mumbled, smiling at her. She bit her lip, rolling off of me and instead facing me.

"God I've missed you." I said without thinking, it was true. Her face instantly blushed to a light pink before leaning into me and placing her lips on mine again. She moved her lips against mine before suddenly pulling back.

"You're such a tease." I chuckled, and she laughed again. Her laugh, it wasn't nearly anything like those pathetic girly giggles. It was a real laugh, and she always snorted which was even cuter.

"Maybe I am." She grinned, getting up and out of bed and wrapping the sheets around her as she did.

Now I was biting my lip, recalling last nights events as she carefully made her way to the bathroom, closing the door.

I heard the shower turn on, and I rubbed my eyes still getting that bit of sleep out of me as I too got up. I didn't exactly want to put on any clothes, but I knew Sophie would find it awkward ans bug me to get some on. I rummaged through the drawers, grabbing some basketball shorts before picking up my phone.

I had a few texts from some people, including Niall. My hands glided across the screen and tapped on his and reading it.

' Hey u n soph wanna mt my new gurl?'

Niall had a girlfriend, that was great. He's been so lonely, seeing Zayn and Perrie, and probably Soph and I too. I texted him back.

'Yea sure lemme run it past soph'

The shower turned off almost instantly as I put my phone down, making my way to the bathroom door.

"Hey Kitten, Niall wants us to meet his new girlfriend. You up for it?" I asked, knowing that if I walked in she would just shoo me out.

She was so pure, even when she was with me under the sheets.

"Sure, what time?" She called, the door opening to reveal her in a simple towel. I couldn't help myself as my eyes trailed down her body, her hand holding the towel up.

"Not sure, he just texted me." I smiled, walking up to her ans snaking my arms around her waist.

She shivered slightly, looking up to meet my gaze. I leaned down, our foreheads touching before I trailed soft kisses down her neck. Every time I did, I could feel her shiver. I smiled before moving further up to her lips and planting a kiss on her lips. She pulled back, a blush forming on her cheeks.

I heard my phone buzz, and I reluctantly picked it up seeing Niall had given us the details on where to meet him.

Soph had already gotten to the drawers, picking out some clothes to wear. When she finished, she raised an eyebrow at me. I laughed even more, turning around to make her more comfortable.

After a few minutes I felt small hands lean up and kiss me on the cheek, and I smirked turning around and picking her up. God, I loved her.

After having a full twenty minutes to ourselves, I got on some more suitable clothes on - dark grey t-shirt and jeans that weren't too skinny - we drove to the place ,Niall said he'd meet us, which also happened to be Nando's, his favorite of all time. After getting in the car, we drove to Nando's which consisted of her telling corny jokes and I laughing until I felt like I had to pull over.

She would then roll her eyes slightly, glancing at me from the passenger seat. She had her hands wrapped around her bump comfortingly, and I instantly kept thinking about that child. I couldn't wait to see it, cause I knew for sure it would be amazing with it's mother being her. It will.

I saw Niall, holding hands with some girl in the front window of Nando's and smiled. He's been waiting forever for the right girl, she better not hurt him.

I stopped the engine, getting out and opening the door for my Sophie. She laughed slightly, pecking me on the lips as I helped her out. She was so amazing, the littlest things she did were something I had never experienced before. I loved her, I really did.

We laced our hands together as we entered the shop and told I told the server we were meeting someone.

She nodded, and we then walked to the booth where we could see Nial and his new girl sitting in.

As we reached the table, I suddenly felt Sophie's hands tighten their grip on me. I turned my head slightly and her eyes were wide as she looked ahead of us. What was up? ...

"Hey Soph, Hazz! This is Hannah." I looked over to the girl, she had black hair with brown highlights and tanned skin, with piercing blue eyes.

That's when all of a sudden, Sophie's grip on my hand was bone breaking, something was wrong.

Short chapter, but that felt like a good spot to end it, with a cliff hanger! So who's the girl, and even more why does Sophie get all panicky around her? Something is DEFINITELY up here. ;)


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