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Harry's P.O.V


We were having twins.

I couldn't feel more joy, more shock, and honestly...

I was scared. Scared that I wouldn't be enough for the children, that they would hate me because I wasn't exactly their real father, that they would never want me as a Dad.

"Twins?" Sophie choked out, her expression turning pale as her eyes widened more. She looked to me with worry in them, and I weakly smiled towards her.

"Yes, would you like a moment?" She asked, and I nodded towards her direction and she exited quietly.

"How am I supposed to take care of twins?" She said weakly, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. I smoothed my thumb over her hand, trying to calm her down.

"How are we, you mean?" I smiled to her, stroking her hand still. She opened her eyes, revealing her chocolate brown ones and a smile slowly growing on her face.

"We, you're still going to stay? Even after she said it was twins?" She said breathlessly, hope spreading through her eyes.

"Of course, I told you I'm in this." I pressed my lips to her forehead, closing my eyes and pulling back, reopening them to see the tears in her eyes.

"Harry, I don't deserve you. I never will." She mumbled, reaching her hand up to my cheek, a few tears making their way down her rosy cheeks.

"Are you kidding me? I don't deserve you. Stop saying that, okay?" I lifted my free hand, caressing her cheeks and wiping away the tears. She lightly laughed, leaning in forward and pressing our foreheads together.

"I love you." I mumbled against her, and she lightly laughed.

"I love you, too." She softly whispered, smiling even more now.

We were interrupted by a light knock on the door, and we pulled back enough just as the doctor came back in with a reassuring smile.

"Everything okay? Ready to find out the sex's?"

We both nodded simultaneously and both laughed afterwards, and I wrapped out hands together, leaning onto the small railing. She got the equipment back intact, moving it over so we could see it more. Now that I looked closer, there looked to be two tiny beings shown on the screen, and honestly I couldn't describe the emotions inside of me.

"It looks like this one here," She pointed to the screen, at the one that was higher up. "Is a boy."

A boy, we might be having a boy. I felt the smile on my face grow wider, and I looked down to Sophie who was still a little shocked, but a surprised smile still there. She turned to face me, grinning now.

"A boy." She said quietly, and I squeezed her hand and nodded to her.

"This one's a tough one, it's at a different angle and turned." She moved the equipment over on Sophie's belly, trying to find a good angle. She finally stopped, turning it just a little before looking up the screen.

"I think you have a girl, and boy. Lucky!" She smiled again, and I literally fell backwards into the wall.

"A girl and boy?" Sophie said quietly, and I was still kind of recovering from my fall.

"Yes, a boy and a girl." She confirmed for us.


Sophie's P.O.V

I still couldn't believe it, not after coming home and doing any sort of cleaning and what not. After Harry cooking dinner for us, not for what seemed like forever. A whole three months passing, and everything seemed to flow naturally.

Except well, for I couldn't fit in any clothes and I had to go meet Harry's parents today. Today, as in mid-way during my seventh month of pregnancy with twins.

To top it off, we were going to a fancy restaurant and I had to wear something for the hot weather, something like a dress.

"Harry dammit I can't go! Nothing fits!" I yelled, resting back onto the bed and huffing. He came in, shirtless and a small smile spreading on his lips.

"Oh come on, you don't have to be fancy babe." He chuckled, walking over to the piles of clothes I had strewn across the place.

"Oh right, I'm just supposed to show up in Pj's and bunny slippers." I groaned, shaking my head.

"No no, come on. Just try this one on, okay?" He handed me a red, silky one that I wore a little while ago, to a party of my friends.

"Harry. That. Won't. Fit." I said sternly, but took the dress in his hands anyways. I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me in annoyance with basically everything and everyone. I tried the dress on, and to no one's surprise it didn't fit.

"Told you." I said sadly, walking out of the bathroom, not being able to put it on, especially the zipper part. He laughed, walking over and trying to help. He zipped it up mid way, before I started to feel way to much squeeze on my belly.

"Well, what about that nice shirt you got a week ago? And those fancy jeans?" He added, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Your parents will hate me." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.

"Soph, I know my parents. They've heard lots of good things about you, they won't judge you." He chuckled, kissing my neck lightly and looking into my eyes.

"Promise?" I asked, biting my lip with nervousness.

"Promise." He reasurred, grinning as he draped a simple white dress shirt over his head.

If I had Harry, it'd be okay.


Hey everyone!

So this is another author's note to remind you that THERE IS a CONTEST! Yes, if you haven't seen it , here's the details.

-Write me a OneShot moment of Harry&Sophie

-It Can be any type of moment. (fight,baby,born,cute)

-Must be one page long, or if you want longer

-The winner then gets a dedication, fan from me, vote for your story(s), and a shoutout!

-The winner will be drawn on Chapter 25

So there you go! I only have one entry, but that's okay! Please, please enter my contest. if you want more details, there's a chaper I have titled contest. Click it, & read.

Thank you to the lovely, amazing person who entered already! I love it!

Again, thank you everyone for your amazing comments, great feedback, votes, fans, reads etc. We're almost at 8,000 reads. I never imagined this, & it's all for you that I write these chapters.

Honestly, I only came on here to express my writing, not to get publicitiy. But here I am, writing the 20th chapter of my story.

Thank you, without you I don't know where I'd be!

Love you all,



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