(18) Questions Have to be Answered

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Sophie's P.O.V

I nodded to Liam through the windows before heading up the small stairs. Hopefully he was there, he had to be. I searched my pockets for the keys he gave me ages ago, or that's what it seemed to say the least. My fingers twisted the lock open, the familiar click sound playing.

"Harry?" I said loud enough for anyone to hear, looking around. It had been a few hours since I had left him in the parking lot. My feet walked forward after few waiting moments, with no reply back to my words. I was hesitant as I walked, and I found no one in the kitchen, living room, even bathroom. My heart dropped as I realized he probably wouldn't be here, but I still had one place to check. The bedroom.

I pushed the door over, the creaking noise wakening up the silence. My eyes immediately found him, tangled in the sheets and frowning in his sleep. His lips were in a tight line, almost as if an angry line. His eyes were closed firmly shut, but I had known from previous experience that he would always have weird faces during his sleep. The sight before me left me in some kind of trance, a trance of awe as a small smile formed on my lips.

My eyes noticed that something was clutched to his chest, but his hands were covering it as I couldn't see it. I wandered over closer, curiosity getting to me as I leaned down. The urge to just cuddle in next to him was enough to send me over board, his tense posture while sleeping giving me sadness.

That's, that's when I noticed what type of small, blue box was held tightly in his large hands.

Every single nerve ending in my body felt like it had been electrified, every single muscle inside of me tensing. I knew exactly what that was, what it meant. It was a ring, a ring.

I basically collapsed onto the bed, but I was in a sitting posture as I covered my face in my own hands. Harry had gotten a ring and I knew it was a ring from the angle, because it was open. I didn't want to focus on anything right now, on any molecule or thing. Maybe, except Harry.

My little move must have stirred him, because he fuzzily opened his eyes so I could see those green ones again. I felt like bursting with every single emotion that I might have right now. His eyes were glassy, clearly tear stricken as he realized I was here. I gulped, feeling tears stinging at my eyes.

"Sophie." He said breathlessly, before slowly opening his arms. I leaned forward and enveloped myself in his arms, not caring about the fight we had had earlier. All that mattered was that I had Harry, if I had him I could venture to any goal in life. I felt like, now, that I was sure nothing could break us. Nothing would, I was positive.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't believe you." He mumbled, & I shook my head against his chest, not wanting to ruin this moment. He took my actions into consideration, wrapping his arms around me comfortingly. I knew, that in this moment that people will try and break you and wreck you and try to bring you down to their level. But that gives you no reason to stop, to believe their words or to join them in wreaking havoc in your life. I loved Harry, and Hannah couldn't change that.

I just hoped she didn't change Niall, that now Niall would believe us too.

Harry's one hand left me, and I heard him fidgeting around with something before he pulled back a bit, the little box coming into my view again. I froze a bit, but then he smiled to me. His curls were  tangled, but kept him looking natural. His eyes weren't teary anymore, they actually looked happy and just overlapping with love. He was bare from the torso up, his tattoos coming into view. I had always questioned them, but had never actually asked about them. They were a part of Harry.

"I love you." He said calmly, before outstretching his hand to open the tiny box, and I felt everything inside of me kind of, collapse.

It was beautiful, actually beyond anything I would have ever imagined. It was different, not just an over topped pricey one. No, it had an orange tinted crystal resting in the center, with tiny ones centering around it. My mind was foggy, as all the wind inside of me disappeared. Air seemed to be foreign, in that moment I didn't know how to breathe. I could see that it had been specially made to have some sort of message in the inside, and I don't know what kind of emotion could describe me at that moment.

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