A Month(8)

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I glanced at the name book across from me, I can't believe how fast a week has gone by. Harry's been nothing but caring, he's been buying me all things, even when I plead him not to he just shakes his head playfully. He even bought me a baby name book, which lies on the shelf. Harry tells me not to leave the flat, I've been living here ever since. Liam & Zayn and I had gone over, and I packed my belongings since Harry refuses to leave me alone anymore. To be honest, Liam looked sad as he carried my stuff into Harry's flat. I wondered why, but I didn't say anything.

"Soph?" Harry's voice rang through the walls finally. He was at work for most of the day, doing some Trainer work at the local gym, so I was really happy to hear his voice.

"Right here." I echoed from the living room. Harry came into view, his curls clinging to his forehead. He smiled, walking forward while dropping his bags and kissed me softly. But, when he pulled back his smile has disappeared, and instead he was frowning.

"Handsome, what's wrong?" I ask, and Harry sits next to me on the sofa.

"Love, I have to go away.." He started, his eyes beginning to sadden.

"Surely it's not for that long.." I said, fiddling with my fingers. Harry laced his hands with mine, intertwining our fingers.

"I have to go away for a month." He stated, looking up finally. A month? He would be away from me for a month, and I would be here alone. I didn't want to be away from Harry at all. I've grown to love Harry. Now I know it seems like I'm just saying that, but Harry hasn't given me anything to say I don't love him. I shook my head slightly.

"A month? For what?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"They want me to go to a new record label, and they want to gain our band's publicity. All in all, it will be about a month in New York." He finished, his voice quivering near the end. I didn't want to seem needy, so I slowly nodded unsure of what to say.

"Kitten, if you don't want me to go, I won't. I'll stay here and be with you-" he began, but I cut him off quickly.

"No, Harry. I won't let you stay here. Your career is important." I mumbled, fiddling with our fingers now and not meeting his eyes.

"Not as important as you, though." He titled my head to look him in the eyes, his sparkling green's staring into mine with a sign of care.

"Harry. I'll be fine, I've got the boys to watch over me." I reason, sitting closer to him. I was lying through my teeth, but I didn't want Harry to abandon his career because of his pregnant girlfriend who isn't even carrying his child.

He groaned, resting his head on the couch. His eyes travelled to mine, and we stayed like that for a bit.

"I just want to stay here with you." He managed to finally say, leaning forward and kissing me lightly on the forehead. I blushed, like always.

"Handsome, it's your time to shine in your career." I answer, biting my lower lip. He moved his head forward so our foreheads were touching. His eyes, they were so green and so bright, I loved them.

"You know you're so beautiful." He whispered, his accent thick. I blushed deeper, looking down at first, then back at Harry.

"You always make me blush, handsome." I answer playfully back, pushing him onto his back. He chuckled, leaning onto the side of the couch.

"I like that, that I make you blush every single time." He murmured, resting his hands on my small bump.My eyes rested on his hands, then my hands followed his by resting on his hands. This moment, it was perfect along with Harry and everything he has done.

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