Contest, Please read!

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Hey directioners, like I said in the previous chapter I'm doing a contest!

Now the contest is simply this; I Want You to write a oneshot of Harry and Sophie!

It only has to be 1 Page long, and it can be any of their moments. Like if they were telling each other I love you, or if they were cooking or going out with each other. It can be even when she's giving birth or another moment where they had just started dating. It can be any of their moments. After you finish it, you can post the story as 'Harry and Sophie Oneshot' and either post the link on my message board or dedicate it to me. If anyone enters, which I'm sure no one will *sad face* then I will pick the winner!

The winner gets the following prizes:

- Dedication on three chapters

- their one shot featured in the story

- A fan from me, and I will also read and vote on all of your stories!

- One reasonable freebie (Anything you want!)

So there it is! There is no deadline on this until I reach Chapter 25- 30 so that gives you a lot of time! Thank you as always, readers!

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