Entite Chapter 12

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Chapter: 12

"Bertrand's been checking every parish in Louisiana, none have had a significant influx of dead bodies in the last three months."

"Shit." James cursed, throwing his glass across the room, it shattered on the far wall. He set back down on the bed and pulled his bottle off the nightstand.

"What was that?" His uncle asked, he shook his head slamming the bottle down when he realized it was empty.

"Nothing, just dropped something." His uncle sighed.

"James, you're coming unhinged. You took off right after your friend's funeral, and I don't blame you. But this obsession of yours has become dangerous. We all want to find him. We've all got calls in to all our contacts, me, Jacob, Mira." He winced a little at her name. "Even Seamus has calls in to some of his old CIA contacts. But nowhere has a noticeable mark up of deaths."

"Then we have to be missing something." He said standing and putting on his pants. "Maybe he didn't mean Louisiana, hell maybe he meant France." He looked around for his keys and shoes. He hadn't left his hotel room in days and couldn't remember where he'd put them.

"Doubtful, Gaston has always been proud of his southern heritage, when he said his home, he meant Louisiana, that I can guarantee."

"He's the one that wanted to play his stupid games." He sighed when he found his shoes in the bathroom. Screw his keys, the liquor store was only two blocks down. "Unless he's freakin playing hide and seek, what the hell is he waiting for?" He could hear his uncle sigh.

"I have to go, call me if you learn anything." He said before hanging up. He looked around to see if he needed anything else before he left. He didn't feel like getting out again. He didn't feel like much these days.


"That'll be six bucks." Mira yelled to be heard over the music.

"How bout ten bucks and you give me your number?" A guy with hair so greasy and black it looked like he covered it in oil asked as he handed her a ten. She stuck it in the drawer and pulled out four ones before wadding them up and tossing them in his face.

"How bout six bucks and I don't kick you in the nuts." She said and he sneered at her before grabbing up his change.


"Pencil dick." She murmured as she filled up two pitchers of beer for the guy waiting impatiently on the other end of the bar. She looked up in time to see motor oil head reach out and smack Rosland on the ass. She smacked his hand away and that only seemed to encourage him as he reached out and pulled her down on top of his lap.

Mira shoved the bottle of vodka over to the surprised looking girl in front of her. "Get it yourself." She said untying her apron and tossing it in the general direction of the bar behind her. Rosland had managed to get free and was retreating backstage by the time she made it over to him.

"Easy bitch, I was just having a little fun, no harm done." He stood then walked right up to her. "Maybe you'd like to take me up on a little fun after all?" She smiled and reached out, taking the guy's arm before pinning it behind his back and slamming his face into the table in front of him.

"You wanna have some fun, let's have some fun pencil dick. Let's see how you like being manhandled, how bout that." She sneered at his ear.

"I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, I swear. She reached the hand not pinning him down back and was about to give him the spanking his momma obviously never gave him when someone grabbed a hold of her arm. She turned back to see Jacob standing there face hard as he pulled her back and away from the man. Michael was standing at his side looking nervous.

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