Entite Epilogue

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"Here give me your hand." She looked up at James with a scowl as he took her arm and practically pulled her up to her feet from the passenger seat. She was now seven months pregnant. Used to be she could flip a simi, now she needed help standing up and tying her shoes.

She looked up into his eyes, normally he would be snickering at the face she was making, but not today. Today he looked apprehensive. He'd tried to talk her out of what they were about to do. But she wouldn't allow herself to back down, no matter how tempting it was.

Seamus still wouldn't speak to her, and she didn't blame him. She got weekly progress reports from her grandfather about how he was fairing. The man had been spending a lot of time with him since his transformation, trying to help him adjust, but it wasn't going smoothly.

He'd gotten used to his extra senses, and even apparently stopped making faces during feeding. But he still wouldn't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary, and he refused to leave the hub at all. There was a lot to do now that Leonisis had been executed and Ludwig had been removed from his seat on the council. His punishment was one hundred years in jail, and as far as she was concerned, it wasn't strict enough.

Now, for the first time in history, non vampires were sitting on the council, namely, herself and James. They had been chosen as human representatives. As Entite, they bridged the gap between both species. The other councils had been made aware of this change, and while they all had varying opinions, from not giving a damn whatsoever to admittedly voicing their concerns that the North American council had gone soft, there was nothing they could really do about it.

Not without declaring war, and none of them were willing to start something that could be as damaging as that. Not only to the vampire infrastructure, but to the human world as well. Word had also spread of their fight against Gaston. Of how two vampires, a human, and an Entite, managed to survive an attack by a dozen deranged Entite, and one deranged vampire. That knowledge alone had garnered them, at least a little respect, from some of the other councils.

"Are you sure Mira, we can wait until after the baby's born." She shook her head.

"She deserves to know how he felt."

"She knew he loved her Mira. Who knows, maybe us coming here will make her feel worse." She didn't think so. This wasn't a spur of the moment decision. She'd thought long and hard about this, for at least four months. She knew if she'd lost James, she would want to know about his final moments. Even though she couldn't tell the woman the truth, that her husband was still alive, relatively speaking, she could maybe give her a bit of closure.

She reached out and rapped her fist lightly on the door. It wasn't long before a tired looking woman answered. She gave them a small, confused smile, in her arms, was a tiny sleeping bundle. Her and Seamus's daughter, which she had named Rebecca May.

"Can I help you?" The woman eyed James warily for a brief moment, then turned her eyes back to her. The way James constantly stared at her now, like he was afraid she was about to fall over, seemed to make him a lot less intimidating to people.

"My name is Mira Donovan, and this is my husband James. We were friends with your late husband. I know you're still grieving, and I'm sorry to intrude, I just, I wondered if we might come in and speak with you for a moment?" The woman's eyes teared up a little. She hesitated for a brief moment then nodded and stepped back motioning for them to enter.

"Come on inside, you can wait in the living room, just let me go put little Becca May down, if she'll let me. Then I'll meet you in there."

"Thank you ma'am." James said, taking her arm to lead her inside. He helped her down onto the sofa. "Mira?" She growled in frustration and wiped at her eyes, stupid hormones. She hadn't been able to stop herself from picturing Seamus walking around this house, playing with his son.

And now because of their mission, he would never step foot inside this house again. Never get to meet his daughter. They should have insisted he stay with his family, but there was a part of her that knew somehow, without a shadow of a doubt. Without him being there, things would have ended completely differently.

She cleared her throat and scrubbed at her eyes again when she heard the woman coming back down the stairs. "Sorry about that, can I offer the two of you something to drink?" She shook her head.

"No thank you, we don't want to intrude long. I just wanted to..." She put her hand to her stomach. "I needed to tell you how special your husband was." She wiped stubbornly at her eyes again.

"We wanted to make sure you understood that, though we can't tell you what he was doing the last few months of his life. All of it, was to help ensure your safety, and the safety of others. He loved all of you, including your daughter." James said, running his hand up and down her back as she tried to calm her tears enough to speak.

"He died to save me." She said finally. "Me and my baby, I had just found out I was pregnant, I wasn't supposed to be involved but..." The official statement was that Seamus Highmore was killed in the line of duty, protecting another agent during a shootout. "He talked about you all often, I'm just so sorry that..." The woman stood from her chair and walked over to sit beside her on the sofa.

"My husband was a man of honor. I know if he'd stood back and did nothing, and you hadn't survived, he never would have forgiven himself. I don't know why, but I feel like you people are into something way deeper than I could possibly imagine." Mira's eyes jerked up to the woman, she felt James's hand still on her back. The woman gave her a sad smile.

"I remember what happened to him while I was pregnant with Kevin, the nightmares he had." She shook her head then her silent tears turned to sobs. "I'm going to miss him, but I know we'll be well taken care of. His life insurance policy came in only a week after they told me he was gone. It's way more than I ever imagined.

"The children will be well taken care of, they will learn how brave a man their father was, and we will never forget him. I just hope he knows that." It was strange, the look the woman was giving her seemed to have a double meaning, as if she were telling her, without saying it, to pass the message along. Like she somehow knew. Mira nodded.

"He'll always be watching over all of you." She said, wrapping her arms around the woman. "In spirit."


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