Entite Chapter 18

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Chapter: 18

"I think she's passed out." Seamus said with concern, James slammed his fist down on the arm rest and took a slow deep breath. His instincts wanted him to pull the car over, pull Mira into his arms and never let her go, but they had to put more distance between them and whoever had been shooting at them.

"James?" He looked around for the voice then sighed, he'd forgotten he was on the phone, he had his damn earpiece in.

"She's passed out. Seamus, how did the wounds look?

"They were pretty clean entries, the one on her arm was definitely starting to heal when I checked it. She lost a lot of blood though, I think that's all it is. She's breathing fine, I'd check her pulse, but I've kind of got my hands busy." He nodded, he knew she'd be fine but still.

"She's okay." He said he didn't know if he was talking to her grandfather or himself when he said it. The man grunted.

"There's no sign of anyone following us, before we get back on the main road we need to lower our speed, last thing we need is to get pulled over right now." Jacob said in his ear.

"Right, we need to put a little distance between us and whoever the hell that was, after that we need to stop at a rest stop. You, Mira, and Seamus need to change your clothes. If we do get pulled over, it will be worse with you three covered in blood.

"Seamus needs to change? Is he hit?" He heard his uncle ask in the background.

"No, but Mira bled out on him. He'll need to change, and I'll need to clean the car out before it stains." He heard Jacob sigh.

"Right, once we hit the highway we'll drive for another half hour. After that, pull into the first rest stop you see." He said before hanging up. James pulled his earpiece off and tossed it into the passenger seat.

"You should turn the overhead lights off as well."

"Right." James said, reaching up blindly for the switch. "Are you alright? You sound like you're in pain." He'd noticed it earlier but he'd been too concerned for Mira to pay much attention.

"Yep." He said and that's all he would say at first, after a while he grunted. "When Master Jacob tossed her into the car, she landed right on my jewels." He said mournfully. James gave a low whistle.


Mira awoke, because she felt her body moving without her permission. Her eyes jerked open and she reacted before she realized it, sending her fist forward, she realized the punch didn't have nearly as much power as it should have.

"Woah, easy." James called out, he'd easily dodged her weak excuse for a punch. He placed his hands on either side of her face. "It's okay, you're safe." She looked around. She was sitting in the backseat of the car, James was knelt down in front of her, she realized he had one of her shirts slung across his shoulder. That's when she noticed the burn in her arm and shoulder and remembered what had happened.

"I was shot." She said in shock and confusion. He nodded.

"Yea babe you were." He leaned his head forward to rest on her knees. He laid it there for a moment before she felt him take a deep breath, then he sat back up. "You're alright, they're both already scars. I know they still hurt like a bitch though. I'll get you something for the pain but we need to get you changed, then I'll clean up the seat as best as I can and we'll get back on the road." She nodded, getting on the road, finding Gaston, that was what was important.

She reached her hand out and he pulled her to her feet. Her knees buckled immediately. James caught her to his chest wrapping his arms around her. "Ugh." She moaned, it had been a long time since she'd felt so weak.

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