Entite Prologue

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Mira was awakened by a loud ringing sound coming from the other room, she opened her eyes just long enough to blink in irritation at the alarm clock on the far end of the room that read 10 am. 'Let the machine get this one,' she thought and turned over in irritation away from the sound.

That's when she came face to face with the love of her life. Eddie lay sleeping beside her, face half buried in his pillow, a look of irritation on his sleeping face as if the phone's ringing had half roused him, but that was hard to do. The man could, and had, slept through earthquakes. She smiled despite her irritation at the hour and the throbbing in her knee as the pain of last night's injury resurfaced.

As far as Eddie was concerned she was an exotic dancer, working at an exclusive Goth themed strip club, and because of its exclusiveness ($50 entry fee), and the rule most exotic dance places had about no boyfriends allowed, she was able to keep up her ruse as to why she was gone all night. It wasn't entirely the truth, though she did work as an exotic dancer, it was merely a front for her true work.

She was a policeman of sorts, but not an average one. She worked for the North American council of vampires investigating and chasing down vampires guilty of breaking their laws. To most people vampires were a thing of the media, of movies and books. Stylized creatures of the night, moody meets sexy. The undead creature whose soul the heroine somehow just had to save, and that's how her employer's wanted it to remain. Creatures of folklore and entertainment. But that was not the way of things.

For countless centuries and countless millennia vampires have lived and thrived in the shadows. Feeding off the blood of humans to survive. Raping and killing to satisfy both their need for sustenance, and their thirst for power.

But in the age of blood banks, cell phone cameras, and media that was all together way too nosey for their own good the collective leadership of the vampire community had become tired of the constant worry of being found out for their feedings, and had agreed to only consume bagged blood. But there were rogues inside of their community that still enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and the terror of their victims. That's where she came in.

When she was just a little girl her parents were killed in a car crash. She was shuffled from foster home to foster home but to most she was just a nice government paycheck. At the age of eleven she ran away and lived on the streets. It wasn't easy living off the money she got from generous people while singing on a street corner. Never enough for a roof over her head or a decent meal.

Her home, or rather where she laid her head at night was a simple cardboard box in an alleyway behind an old drug store. An easy target for the things that go bump in the night.

After nearly a year of living on the streets, scraping by from meal to meal, she caught the eye of some rogue vampire as desert. As she walked into the alley after her first hot meal in days one December evening she was attacked. He grabbed her and threw her to the ground, sinking his fangs into her and draining the life out of her small body.

"Children are always the tastiest," he had said. Just when she started to fade into what she knew would be certain death someone grabbed him and threw him off of her. She watched as a man carrying a wooden stake and a handgun shoved him up against the wall.

"Dremel, you have been charged with the crime of feeding off humans, for nearly exposing our existence to mortals, and for other crimes against them. You are to come with me back to the hub to explain yourself." He said and started to drag him away.

In a move faster than she could see Dremel turned and shoved the other man to the ground. He ran, in what looked like a blur. The man on the ground was suddenly standing again, he raised his gun and fired several shots, then cursed and started to give chase. He froze when she started to cough. Weakly at first but then more violently.

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