Entite Chapter 23

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Mira sighed as she looked upon the face of the giant man sleeping beside her, he took up most of the tiny bed. She smiled, "frustrating pain in the ass." She mumbled, as she plugged in one of the cell phones, she was supposed to wait to let it charge fully before using it but she was in a hurry and only waited half an hour before calling to have it activated. That took another hour and a half and by the time she was off the phone she was growling low under her breath and trying not to cuss out customer service as a whole. She wrote the number down on the hotel stationary, which was actually just a memo pad with a pen from the gas station across the street.

She set the phone on the table to finish charging and stood. She'd been as quiet as she could be while setting up the phone but she noticed every time she spoke James stirred a little. She decided she'd go outside and sit in the car while she called her grandfather.

The sun was just starting to go down when she called. She'd need to hurry. Gator falls wasn't exactly what she'd call a big town and usually most places closed early in towns like this. James wouldn't be happy with her for going without him, but he needed sleep and they were running out of time.

"Mira, did you two make it there alright?" He sounded exhausted and she didn't doubt the two had been up the whole day.

"We're here, there were no problems, not with the trip anyway, and we managed to get new cell phone's. I have a new number for you but first we have a problem."

"What's wrong?" All the grogginess was gone from his voice.

"Seamus called, tomorrow morning the FBI are going to start searching for the five of us. I didn't really get the details but the charge is treason. If I had to guess, Leonisis and Ludwig must have lied to the council, charged us with, something and then gotten our FBI contacts involved."

"What the hell!?" She could hear Fenton practically bellow in the background, the man was usually soft spoken, even in anger.

"Damnit." Her grandfather cursed.

"We're going to have to stash your car grandfather, and destroy master Fenton's cellphone, you should do the same to yours. Here's my new number." She said and rattled it off. She didn't bother asking if he had something to write it down on, he didn't need it. She heard him sigh.

"Mira." Fenton's voice came over the line. "What did Seamus say exactly?" She shook her head, knowing he couldn't see.

"I don't know, James is asleep, he's the one who talked to him. I'm not sure what to do next, can you even buy a used vehicle without identification, and I can't use mine." Her grandfather was silent for a minute before he exclaimed.



"Jean Pierre Boudeen, he's a vampire, lives just outside New Orleans. He's a forger, he's the one I go to when I need new identification. It's about an hour out of the way, but that's our best bet. He should have a photo of me on file from the last time I went to him. Do you have a pen?"

"Yes sir." She'd grabbed the pen when she'd grabbed the piece of stationary with the new cellphone number on it. She flipped it over and wrote down the address he rattled off.

"When we get off the phone head there, I can't call ahead but he should be in, he's practically agoraphobic these days. He's expensive, and you don't have enough cash on you to cover the cost of three id's. Tell him I said I'll pay him triple the normal rate when I can if he'll give me the credit. He should go for it."

"The council."

"I doubt any of them even know him, he can be trusted. After that I want you to head to the swamps and sink the car. Then hitchhike back to Gator falls."

"Hitchhike!?" She practically shrieked. She was surprised her grandfather even suggested it.

"It's far too late in the night to get a bus, and I checked there isn't a station in gator falls. The closest one is twenty minutes away, and it will be too expensive to take a cab back. I have faith the two of you will be alright and can more than handle it should your ride mean anything untoward."

"I know that grandfather but..." She shook her head. "Yes sir."

"I know it's insane Mira, but we need to get this done. I have no doubt whatever Ludwig and Leonisis told the council was in effect to shift their guilt onto us. Even if I'm wrong Gaston can at least prove that Leonisis is untrustworthy. We need him now more than ever if we are all going to survive this. We'll be making our way there as soon as we get off the phone, but it will take us a while to secure transportation."

She nodded, suddenly tired again. She had a long night ahead of her. She knew she'd have to wake James up now. She couldn't do this on her own. Well she could, but since she'd have to deal with an unknown vampire, even if her grandfather knew him. She'd be stupid to go alone.

"In case we aren't back by the time you arrive we're at the Gates Motel, it's not far into town on the right, we're in room seven the two of you have room eight, it's small." Of course that was an understatement.

"We'll call you when we reach town, you'll have to wait till tomorrow to get new transportation. We'll have to stash the vehicle we arrive in as well as it will be stolen. I hate to have to do it but at this point I have no choice. We will run out of cash soon."

"Seamus might not have left town yet." She said remembering, "I don't know if he's destroyed his phone yet but you may be able to reach him. I have a few grand stashed at the mansion, and I'm sure you have more there too as well. He can head there tonight while it's still safe and get what we need. He'll be heading to town in a few days after he gets his family to safety."

"Yes, that's better than the alternative. I'll call him, be careful." He said before hanging up. She sighed and headed back into the hotel room. The open window had done little to clear the stench out of the room, and the cold air coming in was battling with the crappy heater.

James was curled up on the bed. He had to be freezing. He'd fallen asleep on top of the covers and there was no way she could get them out from under the man. She tossed his coat on top of him and covered his bare feet with her own.

It had been maybe two and a half hours since they'd entered the room. Way less sleep than he needed, but he could sleep on the way to New Orleans. She'd always wanted to see the city. They'd have to go back when they didn't have three murdering vampires on their asses.

She made her way over to her bag. They didn't have a lot of time, but she would let him sleep for a few more minutes while she took a shower. She'd been too weak to when she'd woken that morning. But she hadn't had one since before leaving the mansion, and despite their best efforts to clean her, the hair on the side of her head still felt matted.

She regretted the decision when she stepped out because of course she'd forgotten to pack her hair dryer, and the February night air even down in Louisiana was chilling.

She stepped back over to her bag and pulled several objects out. She moved them back and forth in her hands till she'd settled on the one she wanted, then she put the rest back before heading over to sit beside him on the bed.

While she'd been in the shower he'd turned over in his sleep and was now lying on his back. He had one hand resting on his stomach, but the other was curled into the blanket, he was moving ever so slightly and moaning her name in his sleep.

She reached out to grab his hand that was resting across his stomach, then she gently patted him on the other arm. His eyes shot open and he jerked into a sitting position, he looked around alarmed for a moment before realization entered his eyes. He laid back down gently pulling his hand away and used both to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked, reaching for her hand again.

"It's only a little after eight." She said with a sigh. "I'm sorry, I was hoping you'd get to sleep longer, but I called grandfather." She said, then gave him a rundown of what the man had said. He stared her in the eyes the whole time nodding absently, but as exhausted as he was, she was pretty sure he was only getting every other word.

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