Entite Chapter 11

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Mira stood sobbing as Eddie's casket was lowered into the ground. She looked across the grave to a group of Eddie's friends. They were all staring at her with confusion, some with what seemed like suspicion.

She was standing ringed by four men. All of whom looked to be between twenty-five and thirty-five, and all of whom looked like they'd fit right in in a wrestling ring despite the three piece suits they all wore.

She looked around. Her grandfather had his eyes closed, a tear sliding down his cheek. Fenton was standing behind her grandfather, he was perfectly still, but his eyes were scanning the area around them.

She turned to her other side. Standing at least two feet away James was standing rigid, his eyes staring at a space in front of them. Seamus was standing a bit behind her, his eyes were taking in everyone around him just like Fenton's were.

When they locked on her he stepped through the gap between her and James and held out his arms. She was so starved for contact that she didn't care she'd just met him two days ago. She walked into his open arms and buried her head in his chest as she sobbed. She could feel her grandfather patting her hair behind her.

"I just love funerals, don't you?" She froze, so did her grandfather's hand on the back of her head. Seamus's hold on her tightened. She saw her other two companions turn, just as her head did in the direction of that whisper.

It was so low, the other humans standing only a few feet from her wouldn't be able to hear, she wouldn't doubt if Seamus had had trouble hearing it. "It really reminds you of how fragile mankind's place in the universe is, doesn't it?" James's face quickly became the color of his hair and he took a step toward Gaston. "Careful there giant. We aren't exactly alone now, are we?"

"James." She reached over grabbing a hold of his jacket sleeve. As much as she'd like to rip this guy's heart out right now, they were surrounded by humans. Ones who would likely get caught in the crossfire if it turned into a fight, and Seamus would likely be the first. For the first time in days James wrapped his arm around her, but it was only to shove her protectively behind him.

"What do you want, Gaston?" Fenton asked in anger.

"So you do know who I am." He said with what could only be described as a relieved smile. "I've practically been signing my name all over town for weeks, I thought I was going to have to ring the front door."

"We know who you are you filthy parasite, now what the hell do you want?" James snarled under his breath.

"Well someone's in a foul mood, you'd think someone died the way you people are acting." Her grandfather physically restrained her and whispered soothingly in her ear when she almost leapt out from behind James. All of this made Gaston's smile brighten.

"I want revenge," He said, finally, face going pouty as if they were ruining his good mood. His smile brightened again after a few moments. "And I'll have it, but right now, I'm just having too damn much fun. I think I'll keep playing these games a little longer. But I'm getting bored of this city. So I think next time we play, it should be in my home."

Suddenly a shrill scream rang out coming from somewhere behind them. Gaston laughed. "But I did leave one more present for you all. I do so hope you like it." He said and started backing away slowly.

Mira turned and ran toward the sound of the woman's scream. She pulled up short when she almost ran right over something. It was just at the edge of the lights set up around the graveyard.

"Oh god." Her eyes were apparently slow to adjust. She looked up to see James' pale face turn to her. He grabbed her then, and pulled her into him burying her head in his chest.

"Damnit!" She turned her head away from his chest when her grandfather released a sorrow filled cry of rage. She pulled away and turned back.

First her eyes took in the black of a pair of high heels followed by the pale flesh of a woman's calf. Then the black of a dress. She reluctantly moved her eyes up to the face and her knees gave out. James sank to the ground wrapping his arms around her as she screamed.

There, pale and lifeless, half hidden behind a headstone, was Jessica. Her throat was ripped out. The bastard's scent was so strong on her that it made her gag. She was grateful when the darkness began to seep in.

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