Diplomatic Delusions

253 6 14

Coruscant: 0 C

With the return of the Galactic Republic and its subsequent swift assimilation into the New Republic, many worlds that had been under Imperial rule faced a unique dilemma; would they remain loyal to the Empire and leave the Republic in the past once more or return to that which the Empire had replaced. Of course, had these been the only troubles, the Galactic governments would have been grateful. Consequently, courtesy of the Convergence, many new worlds scrambled to either align themselves with the greatest benefactor or vehemently proclaim neutrality no matter the cost. To expound upon matters, several planets belonging to the Republic's newfound allies and their foes had expressed desire to leave their former leaders and place themselves in the care of the Republic.

In other matters, the public and politicians alike had been clamoring since the start for the execution of criminals against civilization from their own times and spaces. However, exonerating evidence had surfaced that would have been otherwise impossible to obtain under normal circumstances. Thus, the need for discussion persisted.

"There will be order!" one of the Chancellor's aids, a large Ithorian, slammed a staff into the platform, their vocoder booming the order throughout the Senate chambers.

"Citizens of the Galaxy and of the Republic," their newly appointed Chancellor addressed them. "As we've recently been made aware, the Separatist conflict we experienced was caused not only by our own unwillingness to listen to the concerns of those worlds, but also by the manipulation of Emperor Palpatine."

"THE EMPIRE UNIFIED US!!!" a dissenter shouted.

"THE EMPEROR WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WAR IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" another snapped. A quick slam silenced the fledgling arguement.

"And to those worlds who feel they would be best served under the Empire, we will not attempt to impede your departure," the Chancellor resumed. "In fact, any worlds that were dissatisfied with the Republic we knew are well within their rights to leave." A murmuring came over the crowd before their address continued. "However, we are no longer facing the issues we once had and neither are we the Republic that was once known before the Empire nor the New Republic that failed to take action against threats to civilization. Look around you. You have seen evidence of that for yourselves. Gone are the days of a stagnating government that provided a breeding grounds for corruption at the expense of its citizens and the government itself. We now have a clearer, mutually beneficial relationship with the Jedi Order."

Murmurs of dissent began to sway towards support, hecklers being silenced by their fellow delegates. "As many of you are keenly aware, I detest the thought of needing a military to bare our fangs to those who wish us harm rather than doing everything in our power to pursue peace. However, it would seem that we do not have a choice. Those who now wish us harm have made their choices. While we shall always hold out hope for a peaceful resolution to each conflict, we will prepare ourselves for a war. The Grand Army of the Republic shall be ready to face any who threaten our worlds." The Chancellor directed their attention to the flotilla of hovercams present to address the Galaxy at large. "Know this, the Republic has no intentions of ever becoming the aggressors against anyone and we will forever hold out the offer of peace for as long as we can, but we will not hesitate to give our all in defense of our citizens." The chamber erupted in thunderous applause, even visiting delegates and opposers granting at least respectful claps.

Once the uproar had begun to calm, the Chancellor shifted focus to the newest faces in the facility. "Now, as for the planets we now have the pleasure of dealing with. If we may begin with Kaidon Thel Vadam of Sanghelios?"

"Thank you, Chancellor," the platform belonging to the Sangheili clad in ornate, golden armor approached. "As it stands, the people of Sanghellios are still deeply divided over many matters. Joining the Republic, or any other government for that matter, at this moment would only provide another source of contention and we request to maintain neutrality at this time until we have resolved our own conflicts. With that said, the Swords of Sanghelios shall not be against you in any coming conflicts provided you keep your word of seeking peace and not playing the role of aggressor."

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