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Unknown Regions: 0 C

"You are pathetic. You were defeated so easily by someone who would have easily lost to any of the foes I have slain."

"It was your plan. It was your failure. OUR failure. You and I are one and..."

"You are nothing! I am far superior to anything a failure such as yourself could ever have amounted to. Now you will pay the price for your frailty."

"You may kill me, but my army will ensure you never escape this planet."

"Fool. If they followed a decrepit imitation, they will without fail follow the original."


Bespin: 0 C

"Simply fascinating, isn't it, Dembe?" Reddington admired the location of the high-class establishment he had selected. "An entire city suspended above the clouds. We could barely build a house on the ocean without something going awry within a few years." Dembe, on the other hand but to be expected, seemed anxious.

"Are you sure this is an appropriate meeting place, Raymond?" he wondered and glanced out the window, immediately shifting his gaze back to the patrons in the room.

"It'll be fine, Dembe. Administrator Calrissian already gave us his blessing," Reddington warmly assured him.

"You still need to stop making it a habit of meeting people that can easily kill you by yourself."

"It's fine. I have you, don't I? Besides, there's a no weapon policy on this premises."

"Which you disobeyed."

"But hopefully they won't."

"Raymond, we both know they don't need one to kill a man larger than you."

"E-excuse m-m-me," the beige Zabrak greeter stammered at Reddington's five guests in their own unique armors. The poor soul mustered up as much courage as he could and said, "We-we don't allow weapons on th-th-these p-premises. You will have to leave them here if you are to be seated."

The Mandalorian in silver and blue loomed over the terrified worker, the one in orange seeming to be ready to assist either party, when the Mandalorian in pure blue armor said, "You've got guts, friend, I'll give you that. But trust me, it isn't worth it."

Reddington stood up and announced, "Mould, they're with me." The unfortunate alien did several double-takes before hurriedly escorting them to the table. "I do hope you're all hungry. I've taken the liberty of ordering a few horderves."

"I didn't think we'd be sticking around long enough to eat," the Mandalorian woman in orange, Mirta Gev, thought aloud to the group. Reddington chuckled.

"I did say it would be a quick meeting, didn't I?" he smiled. "You must be the gra- no, GREAT granddaughter."

"The greatest," she seemed to beam from under her helmet.

"Agreed. Any child willing to continue the family business, especially one such as yours, deserves the highest commendations. You should be very proud, Mr. Fett."

"Still bonding," Jango dismissed the comment. "So, do you have a job for us or not?"

"I can see where your son gets it from," Raymond sighed ammusedly.

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