Complicated Professions

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___3 Months Later___

Slave I: 0 C

Boba gazed out at the stars before him. He'd just finished up a job delivering a wanted gangster to a client. Since most of the powers that be had their hands tied with the joke of a peace agreement, the smarter of the higher ups had resorted to hiring bounty hunters to do their dirty work. Fett didn't mind as long as he was getting paid. Fett's concentration was broken by his comm ringing. Duty calls he thought and answered.

"Greetings, Mr. Fett," a strange man in a uniform with insignia he'd never seen before appeared on his console. "I am in need of your services and have been told that you are one of the best."

"What's the job and the payout?" he asked bluntly. If this man was like any of the other clients, they had probably already called in other hunters to complete the task as well, so he didn't have time to waste.

"I need you to eliminate a threat of sorts," the potential client explained. "A UNSC Spartan with the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer. John-117." Fett was taken aback.

"A Spartan? You do realize how dangerous those people are don't you?"

"That's why I am prepared to pay you two million credits upon completion and help you set up a trap for him." Boba was beginning to grow wary.

"Four million. Two up front, and two after the fact," he demanded. The man shook his head.

"No, I will pay you seven million but only AFTER he is dead," he said firmly. Now Boba was suspicious, but he decided to play it cool and test him. Let's see how deep your pockets go.

"For a target like that, I need an up-front payment," he put it plainly. "Fourty million after the fact and you reimburse me for any supplies and damages incurred by this job." The official scowled.

"Fine!" he growled. "Just send me the coordinates of where you wish to lay the trap. I will take care of the rest." The comm blipped off. Fett didn't trust the job one bit, but he knew an opportunity when he saw one. He punched the coordinates into the navi computer and sent them to his client.


Unknown Regions: 0 C

Elsewhere, an official contacted another bounty hunter.

"I will offer you fifty million credits after the Master Chief is terminated and an additional twenty if you kill Boba Fett," he said. "I will also reimburse you for any damages incurred." The bounty hunter sat there for a moment and mulled it over.

"You're paying me to take out a rival?" they asked. The man nodded. "Well then, where am I headed?"


Dantooine: 0C

"Don't you think it's a bit strange that Major Smith asked us to bring in some bounty hunter?" Cortana asked.

"According to the Major, he's not just any bounty hunter. He's one of the most revered in the industry," John continued piloting the pelican to the spaceport nearest the coordinates given.

"All the more reason to be suspicious," she said as they landed. "He asked you to do this alone."

"I don't trust it either, but if this Boba Fett is even half as dangerous as Smith described him, we have to make sure that the Covenant remnants or the Created don't get in contact with him."

"A registered officer in ONI, responsible for an experiment gone wrong aboard the Mona Lisa, killed a marine aboard the same vessel," Cortana began listing off Major Smith's profile. "Shall I continue?"

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