Unfriendly Competition

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"BB, please record."

"Recording, ma'am."

"As you are all well aware, in the recent months since the 'Convergence', we have formed sufficient alliances and gained a handful of enemies, both new and old. However, what I find curious is that certain threats that we, our enemies, and our allies faced seem to be absent. Take, for example, the Flood. We know for a fact that Cortana's fragment is still out there and is still infected with the Logic Plague. Given that evidence, it would stand to reason that the Flood were not cured and did not revert to what they once were. Which begs the question: where are they? I have attached a list of additional missing threats as well as more details regarding the subject. End recording."

"Recording ended. Would you like me to send now or-?"

"New recording, please."

"Yes ma'am. Recording started."

"According to some of our allies, we have learned of various superweapons, including the Halo arrays, that are also absent. It is unclear what happened to these technologies, but it would be safe to assume they are not in the hands of any of the factions we are aware of, as I'd imagine it would be very difficult to hide such destructive wonders. In addition, the Forerunners responsible for creating the Halo arrays are nowhere to be found either. Documents with further details are attached. End recording."


Nibelungen: 0 C

An assassin darted between columns. He had long since lost the element of surprise, but that didn't mean he couldn't use his skill and agility to regain it. He scaled one of the columns and caught a glimpse of his prey; a hunter from one of the companies brought to Nibelungen to help with the native dinosaur population. The hunter only wore a kevlar vest with a brimmed hat and sunglasses and carried a double barrel shotgun, but the assassin knew he could switch to one of several weapons at a moment's notice. The assassin dropped down just before the hunter turned to his position. He can detect my movements the assassin gathered. Gauging his opponent's abilities, the assassin dashed from pillar to pillar in view of his opponent. The hunter took the bait and tracked his movements, but slower than he had expected. The assassin readied his blades and dashed again. This time, he got ahead of the hunter's aim and lunged from his cover before he could lead his shot. When he got within the shotgun's reach, the hunter switched to a pistol, but the assassin swatted it away with one of his blades while grabbing the wrist to anchor himself to his opponent and went in for the kill with the blade on his other arm. A loud PING followed by a burning sensation forced the assassin to yank his hand back and release the hunter.

"Excellent work, gentlemen," a young woman wrote something down on a clipboard next to the sharpshooter who had shot off his hidden blade. "This exercise goes to Altair."

Altair cursed at the sniper in his mother tongue as he recovered his blade. "I know how to hold back," he snarled.

"It's a live-fire exercise," the sniper plead innocence. "Can't take any chances, especially not with blades. Don't worry, I got your other hooded friends too, I wasn't just singling you out."

"This is the third time, Sharp!" he shouted and held up his blade and finger alike. Altair complimented his opponent then left, cursing the whole way. "Clones," he grumbled.


Rocket scraped to a halt as he was sent skidding face-down along the ground. Tex lifted her leg to avoid him and charged her three remaining opponents. Spartan Will saw her coming as he blocked a blow from Wrecker with his arm. The Spartan punched the giant oaf in the gut, doubling him over and threw a hook at his head to push him into the Agent's path. Tex jumped into the air and dunked her fist into the large clone's face as he tried to recover.

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