Forgiveness and Fraudulence

547 11 4

___2 Months Earlier___

Republic Venator Jabiim's Javelin: 0 C

The pristine halls were exactly as the three remembered despite not having been aboard one for a number of years. One had perished before returning and the others had been betrayed while aboard one. However, they bore no hatred or resentment in their hearts; rather, curiosity and hope.

"I haven't seen any crew other than the ones who let us aboard," Ahsoka noted.

"At least they let us on," Rex said, one hand still hovering over his pistols. "That at least hints at our suspicions being true."

"I suspect that they are awaiting us in the areas we were told to travel to by those who let us on," Plo Koon commented. The Jedi Master came to an abrupt stop as did Ahsoka, almost causing Rex to bump into them. "We part ways here, little Soka," Plo Koon said solemnly. "Captain, no, Commander, I entrust her safety to you."

"Captain is fine," Rex smiled. "I'm pretty sure they demoted me after I had my chip removed."

"We will meet again, Master," Ahsoka hugged him. "May the Force be with you."

"And with you," the High Council member continued forward while Rex and Ahsoka headed down the corridor to their right towards one of the areas below the hangar. The two soon found themselves before a set of familiar but foreign blast doors.

"Are you sure about this?" Rex asked. Ahsoka shook her head.

"It's not about being sure," she said. "This is something that needs to be done. For their sake and for ours. Besides, we've already come this far."

"Right," Rex was hesitant, but he wouldn't back down. If Ahsoka was going through with it, then so was he. If I'm back to being a young man again, let's hope they're back to who they were before he let his thoughts trail off. He didn't want to think back to that day. He grabbed the grip of one of his pistols out of habit and said, "Set to stun, just in case." The blast doors slid open and revealed a veritable sea of blue and white with tinges of orange strewn about. Even with the identical armor, Rex still recognized them as none other than Torrent Company; HIS company.

"Company!" Denal, one of the incredibly few, albeit wounded, survivors of the battle of Teth and Rex's original unofficial right-hand, announced to the troopers behind him. The sea parted to either side, the "original" Torrent members on one side and the newer members, including the 332nd, on the other. "Welcome back, Commanders." Heavy and two other clones, whom Rex assumed were the other members of Domino Squad that perished before their arrival, stood next to the older clone. Shortly after, Echo and Jesse emerged, the latter approaching them.

"Sir," he started, hanging his head in shame. Rex placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Jesse," he told him. "We all fell for the order. The chips pushed us the rest of the way and convinced us our loyalty belonged to Sidious instead of the ones we've served with."

"But we didn't have the dedication you had to resist for even a moment," Jesse continued downcast. "As a result, we tried to kill you at all costs and got ourselves killed... I got us all killed."

"It's as much my fault as it is anyone else's," Rex continued to comfort him. "If I had just listened to Fives we could've- Fives." Rex looked up and scanned the room until the ARC Trooper in question stepped forward. "Fives!" he raced over to the man.

"Hello again, sir," he greeted him calmly.

"I'm sorry, brother," he mimicked Jesse. "I'm so, so sorry brother. I should've listened to you."

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