Conflict Awaits

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Florrum: 0 C

The band of pirates cackled with the new weapon in hand. While its ammunition capacity was abysmal compared to every other weapon in their arsenal, the barbaric nature of the projectiles and its design were enough to put a smile on their faces. Their guests also appeared to be enjoying themselves with the Z-6 rotary blaster cannons they'd been allowed to sample.

"We accept the crate," their brutish guest grunted to the pirate leader. Hondo couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"That delights me to no end, Pockaius. Truly, it does," the Weequay's fingertips barely reached the Jiralhanae's shoulder as he motioned for his crew to pack up the product. "Now, let's see, one crate with eight cannons at 9,000 apiece... my friend, you are looking at 72,000 credits. It's a bargain, if you ask me."

The Chieftain growled at him and said, "That cannot be a fair price." A little bit of brain mixed in with the brawn, I suppose.

"Alright, alright," Hondo quickly conceded. "Just this once, I am willing to offer you a first-time customer deal. If you throw in a few of those spiky little weapons of yours, I will drop your bill to just 40,000 credits. It's a good deal, no?" After taking some time, the red-clad Brute finally grunted and motioned for one of the Grunts to bring forth the payment. After the exchange, their red-armored clients cared little for making conversation and quickly filed back into their ships upon receiving the order to do so.

"Hey, boss?" one of his men approached. "Some of da boys was thinkin maybe you coulda gone ta fifty instead a fourty."

"Is that right?" Hondo leaned back to give a phony impression of caring. "Well you tell them that, next time, they can barter with the gorillas."


Nibelungen: 0 C

The bulbous gelatinous creature aggressively chirped as it charged a feral Allosaurus that had gotten too close to the construction crew. The comparatively larger dinosaur roared and began flailing into the nearby flora as the smaller, unassuming, predator sank its fangs into its hide and began sapping its vitality. Despite its terrified screams, however, it never attempted to flee. In fact this particular breed seemed to lack any sense of self-preservation, a truth accentuated by five more Allosauruses just like it charging from the jungle.

Samus turned back to the small rodent she'd rescued and said, "You're up, little guy," and gunned down one member of the new pack.

"Pi!" it said and leapt forward to stand at her side. It took an offensive stance and loosed a lethal arc of electricity towards the dinosaurs. The four left were seized in place as the voltage coursed through their bodies. When the Metroid reduced the first Allosaurus to a shriveled, grey husk and returned to its mother, her Pikachu broke the current and left only four blackened statues in place of the predatory reptiles.

As the two creatures flocked to her for approval, each vying for her attention, Samus asked over the comms, "Did you get all that?"

"Affirmative, Ms. Aran. That will do for now," an unseen observer said. "The hunters will resume security. You may return." While she had been stationed there for roughly a week, she, like most others on the base, still didn't know what she was doing there. Granted, she knew she had taken a contract to be there, but she didn't understand her assignment in Nibelungen.

"Feels like someone payed a pretty penny to send me on vacation," she thought aloud, occasionally reeling her Metroid back in as it tried to latch onto an unfortunate passerby. Aside from the odd greeting from personnel and a brief conversation with Emma regarding her two companions, the journey to her quarters was woefully uneventful with not so much as a scratch of static over the comms from command. "It's nice to relax every once and a while," she sighed as the small creatures began chasing each other around the dorm. "Just thought I'd see a little more action than a two minute security gig." If only she had known then what lay ahead, she wouldn't have spoken so soon.

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