Whose Business is it Anyway?

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Nibelungen: 0 C

"Thank you for your assistance, Commander," Bacara heard a woman's voice from the direction he was heading.

"I should be the one thanking you," the man he was sent to retrieve responded. "What you were able to do was incredible."

"You should give yourself more credit, Commander. Despite not having our abilities, you were still able to aid us greatly."

"Well thank you," he said as Bacara neared the room. "You can just call me Uru. I think we've at least earned a first-name basis."

"Very well, Commander Uru. Until we meet again."

"Likewise," Bacara caught a brief glimpse of the figure before the holoprojector shut off.

"You gone soft, Uru?" Bacara asked his former subordinate.

"We can't all be glaciers like you, sir," Uru greeted him. "What brings you here? Are you part of the unit?"

"No," Bacara motioned for his fellow Commander to follow him. "That lady with the UNSC brought me here in person to tell her what I have to say about you instead of just letting me send a message."

"And what did you tell her?" Uru sounded unconcerned, but Bacara knew it was likely a facade. You kept a good Poker Face at least.

"What I told them when you transferred to the 501st," he said flatly. "The truth. That you're a good soldier and a proper leader. Just not enough to cut it under my command."

"Thank you, sir," he thanked him and they walked in silence. They had nearly reached their destination when Uru asked, "Aren't you going to ask?"

"Your personal life is your business and does not concern me," Bacara retorted. "You are free to do whatever you want on your downtime. Commander." Bacara turned and saluted the man at the entrance of the designated building.

"So long, Commander," Uru returned the gesture and they parted.


While not entirely complete to any of their liking, the researchers were ecstatic to finally be back in a lab. Of course, those returning to Isla Dormir knew they wouldn't be resuming the research they'd left behind any time soon. Sophia let out a disappointed sigh at this realization as she sat down at her station.

"Been a while?" The blue, black, and red-haired woman next to her asked.

"Yeah, it has," Sophia smiled, grateful for the company. "I used to work here until both companies that were here went under."

"Yikes. Doesn't sound very fun. What did you work on?"

"Oh, we were researching the local dinosaur population. Everything from their behavior to variants of a species. We were actually able to tame at least one member of each family during our time here."

"Sounds pretty fun," her colleague smiled. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan."

"Sophia," they exchanged a handshake. "What did you do, Doctor Uthan?"

"I used to be employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems," she said casually, but Sophia had no idea what any of what she said meant. I've gotta do some more homework on where everybody's from. "I was working on creating a nanovirus that targeted clone soldiers." Sophia gasped without thinking. The Doctor paused and gave an embarrassed smile and said, "I know it sounds bad, but I promise it gets better. I was eventually captured and arrested and spent the next couple of years breeding Soka Flies in a looney bin to stay sane before I was recued by some Mandalorians and the same clones who captured me."

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