Truth's Siege

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AvengEarth: 0 C

"HOT!!!" Venom cried out in pain, a metal spike sticking through their hand. There were several other searing wounds where superheated plasma struck struggling to heal. "WHY IS EVERYTHING THEY HAVE HOT?!?!"

"How's the evacuation going, Strange?" Tony asked while frantically dodging oncoming fire from all directions after failing a strafing run. A seemingly endless swarm of strange fighters forced his attention away from providing air support by demanding him to focus on them lest he be shot down.

"Slower than any of us would like," Steven grunted. "Our guests certainly aren't helping." Aside from a small, fearless force of OR15 defense bots being quickly cut down, the city had little else in terms of a meaningful defensive presence besides The Avengers and whatever forces the neighboring Wakanda could spare.

"Are all my Spider People in the house ready?!" Tony checked and continued kiting the spacecraft through the city. "I'm bringing these bugs to you!"

"We're ready, Mr. Stark!" Peter Three acknowledged.

After passing a certain threshold, Tony said, "Friday, activate tailgating procedures."

"Activating," his A.I. replied and sent a salvo of missiles from his armor's rear. A majority of the explosives found their marks, knocking out shields and damaging them in the process, but not destroying them outright.

"Yup, still hate that," Tony muttered before webs clung to their frames and began dragging them into each other and the environment as the three Spidermen leapt between them.

"Got the electro-web set up, Mr. Stark!" Peter Three reported. "That should take care of the shields for us."

"Thanks, Stark. We've got it from here," Peter One said.

"They're dropping tanks, Tony! We could use a little help here!" Rogers informed him

"A little busy, Cap!" Tony evaded the equally lethal small arms fire from the relatively weaker forces.

"Morrison! If you, Natasha, and Clint can work with Venom to clear out that parking garage, it might give you a good vantage point to give us some support." Steve said.

"Acknowledged!" their knew ally replied. "Bastion! With us!

"Fall back, my friends! WE shall hold the line!" Reinhardt declared, bringing up an energy barrier between the remaining OR15s and the horde with Brigitte interlocking shields with him, but both shields quickly began to give out.

Tony took advantage of the temporary lack of localized enemy air support and flew over to assist the shield pair, firing several unguided warheads at their assailants. "Hey, hey! No unnecessary heroic sacrifices today, grandpa! Banner! Back me up here?" A purple turret went flying past him in response. When Tony finally found Bruce, The Hulk was completely covered in white-hot spikes and glowing crystals, but still fighting.

"I look like a big, green hedgehog right now, Tony, and these tanks are keeping me busy!" Banner replied. "I don't know how long I can hold on before the other guy takes over!" As much as he wanted to help him, several more squadrons came screaming after him.

A blinding pylon appeared behind them in the midst of the enemy ground forces and Tony panicked for the briefest of moments, thinking one of the many large ships looming above them had fired the big cannon they'd used to break that portion of the planet's shield. Then a very familiar figure emerged. Lightning arced through the sky, seizing the oncoming aircraft and overloading them, causing the ships to explode.

"Nice of you to finally drop by," a wave of relief washed over him.

"I had business to attend to on Asgard, but I came as soon as Heimdall told me you decided to have a party without me," Thor threw Stormbreaker into the crowd, clearing out swaths of enemies that didn't dodge as machine gun fire rained down from a nearby parking garage, signaling Morrison' mission had been a success. "So, who invited these guys and what trinket are they after this time?"

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