New Beginnings

692 19 19

Rhen Var: 0C

The ground in the icy blue caves of the perpetually frozen world lay littered with the bodies of soldiers in crimson armor.

"So this is the final stop for the Republic we fought for," a clone soldier sighed as he knelt down to check the pulse of one of them.

"No, this is the final stop for the Empire that Palpatine created for himself," Obi-Wan reassured the man.

"Still," another clone, an engineer, knelt down and examined the body. "What could have done this to them? They weren't killed by any blaster that we know of."

"Well, I suppose it would be because it wasn't a 'blaster' that did the job," the stranger in an overcoat that they'd met after landing stepped forward and aimed a glowing stick at the body before reading the side. "Ah, yes. I was afraid it would be those. But it's okay for you lot, right? I mean, you are soldiers after all."

"Doctor, if that is truly your name, I implore you that if you have any information that can aid us, please do not withhold it," Obi-Wan said to him. The man just looked at him blankly before walking around, kicking at the ice.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. Only some of the most dangerous beings the known Universe has ever faced," he walked up to the Jedi Master and looked him in the eye. "So let's pray that whatever it is that brought us here is worth it."

"Sir," Cody interrupted. "Another vessel has just landed on the opposite side of the cave."

"Then we should continue forward," Luke suggested. "Were they Republic?"

"Unknown, sir," Cody shook his head.

"General Skywalker," Captain Rex spoke up. "There's movement up ahead. You two, get up and stay focused."

"You heard the man!" another Commanding Officer, one in Galactic Marine armor, ordered them up and readied his shoulder-mounted Z-6.


"EXTERMINATE THE INTRUDERS!!! EXTERMINATE!!!" another chimed. Two semi-cylindrical beings with two prongs for "arms" and a long stalk for an eye hovered around the corner.

"I was really hoping it wasn't them," the Doctor grumbled.

"Luke, up here," Obi-Wan called the young Jedi Master forward. The pair of Jedi ignited their lightsabers as the clones unleashed a flurry of blaster bolts.

"EXTERMINATE!!!" one of the beings shouted and fired a beam at them, which Obi-Wan deflected at its companion. The beam, along with the bolts, were absorbed by a shield around its body. The beings stopped shooting at them. "HOW DID YOU REDIRECT OUR ATTACKS AT US!?!?! IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO REDIRECT DALEK WEAPONRY!!! EXPLAIN!!! EXPLAIN!!!"

"SHIELDING IS OVERLOADING!!!" the other Dalek cried before its upper "body" exploded into flames.

"Push forward!" Obi-Wan ordered. The second Dalek began to retreat backwards but met the same fate as its comrade just seconds later. Upon rounding the corner, they saw five more of the homicidal machinations in a semi-circle where the cave opened up.


"I'm getting real tired of these things," Cody grumbled. From the ledge above the Daleks, two figures in black armor jumped down behind them and ignited their blades.

"WE ARE BEING FLANKED!!!" a Dalek exclaimed, its voice slightly higher pitched.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! HOW WERE THEY ABLE TO PASS BY OUR SENTRIES!?!?" a deeper pitched one demanded. The new pair swung at the murderous salt shakers, but their blades bounced against the shielding. The Daleks swiveled around to face the new threat, but were lifted into the air and forced to face each other. One by one, they were eliminated as they continued to aggressively shout in denial of their fate. The parties now faced one another, the caped swordsman in black armor breathing heavily. Obi-Wan turned off his lightsaber.

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