Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Michael Duc Nguyen

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This story is dedicated to 5 people. Two of them are CupCup and jellybelly2525. They also write stories, so you should read them. (LOLOLOLOL.) Uhm.. and it's dedicated to one of my best friends who moved away, the other one that moved away, and one that's still here. :) I just wanted to let you guys know that even if it only lets me dedicate to one person for each part, it's all to these 5 awesome people :) OKAY. HAVE FUN!!! Or.. you know. ENJOY!!!

September 15, 2011

After the day we bumped into each other, I kept seeing this quiet guy walk around the school. I noticed he had history with me. But we never talked.

It's been a week since school started. And everything was the same. Same annoying teachers, same boring classmates. Same dad who travels around the world and never stops at home to visit. Nothing ever changed! Okay, maybe I should back up. There was once a time when my dad was a part of my life. That was before my mom died. I guess it was just too much for him.. and so he got a new job, and a new life. That was ten years ago. Even if he wasn't here, he still sent me money every month. Enough for me to take care of myself, at least.

I woke up to the sound of beeping and slammed my hand on the snooze button of my alarm clock. Rising up slowly off my bed, I dragged my entire body to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and then put on some clothes.

When I arrived at school, I saw the same guy that bumped into me sitting at a bench in the corner, reading a book. What was it? Inkheart? It looked like it had about 500 - 600 pages! I would never read something that huge. In another corner, there was Skylar and her boyfriend. I sat down at an empty bench and went to sleep.

It mustn't have been long, because when I woke up, the school was crowded and everyone was trying to move. The weird guy had disappeared and Skylar wasn't in the corner anymore. I was about to scan the crowd to look for familiar faces, but the bell rang, and everyone started moving again.

In third period, Ms. Hutcherson assigned a project that you had to do with a partner. I slumped down in my chair because I had no friends or anything in this class. History... I walked up to my teacher, ready to ask if I could work alone, when a guy walked in front of me. He said nothing, he just held up the assignment and motioned to it. He wanted to be partners. Shocked, I stared at him and said nothing. "Don't you have anyone else to work with?" I asked softly.

He shook his head no, and so I agreed to work with him----just this once.

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