Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Robbie James Hicks

September 17, 2011

I was supposed to start on my project today, so I wasn't surprised to hear a knock and then a bell ringing. I threw my pillow on the floor, and yelled out, "JUST A MINUTE!". I changed out of my pajamas, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair before going downstairs to open the door. I stared at the guy as he walked into my house.

"Hi." I said quietly.

He nodded his head as if to show that he heard me, but didn't think that what I said needed a reply. "I still don't know your name..." I said in a soft, but stern tone. Instead of just telling me his name, he pulled out a piece of paper with the word "Tyler" on it.

"Do you ever like.. really TALK? At all?" I urged, a bit annoyed. He nodded, and I got even more irritated. Nodding, I closed the door and we began to work on the project. We were supposed to build a Mission and decided on Mission Santa Barbara. Well, we hadn't actually discussed it, I just had a list of most of the ones I thought we interesting, and said each one until he nodded at the one he wanted.

When we finished, it looked pretty good, and we were exhausted. "Do you want anything to eat? You could pick anything you like!" I shouted from the kitchen. "If you do, you have to talk, 'cause I won't be able to see your... head motions from here!!" I peeked out from the kitchen door to find him sitting on the floor with a blank expression on his face and an open mouth--as if he was deciding whether it was worth it or not. I put my hands on my hips, and waited for a reply.

"Y-y-yes. P-p-pizza." he shyly said as his face turned redder and redder.

"Oh... well... sucks! I don't have that."

He nodded once more.

"Dude. You have GOT to stop with the nodding. Seriously. And I was kidding, we'll order from Domino's or something." Surprised, he stared at me, and I stared back before disappearing back into the kitchen once more. I glanced at the clock, and saw that it was already 5 PM.

By 5:14, the pizza arrived, and I brought it to the kitchen. "Do you want to eat in the dining room, or in the living room?" I asked Tyler.

He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. We're eating in the living room. Don't worry if you drop any crumbs. Just leave it there. I'll get it or something." I said with a small smile while bringing the pizza along with plates and some soda.

At 7, Tyler left and I was alone again with just 2 slices of pizza left. Holding the box in my left hand, I walked back into my kitchen, and stuffed it into my refrigerator.

September 19, 2011

On Monday, I went to school and brought my project with me. Turning it in early meant that I wouldn't forget it when it was actually due. When third period came, I went up to Ms. Hutcherson and gave her the project.

"Oh my! It's beautiful! You worked on this with Tyler?" she asked.

"Yes." I said.

"It's lovely. Thank you." she said politely with a bright smile on her face. I walked out of the classroom and got ready for lunch.

I sat at the table where Skylar and I usually sat. Just the two of us, three if her boyfriend decided to come---- which he did. She was sitting on his lap and they were making out. Well, they were literally eating each other's faces! Couples sickened me. I quickly turned the other way and saw Tyler walk and sit down alone at an empty table. I moved my eyes from him and started eating my sandwich when I see that Skylar has finally stopped kissing her boyfriend.

"Well, I'll be with mah homies. Bye babe!" says her boyfriend with a wink and smirk before he walks away. I give her a look that says "why him?!" and she shrugs.

"He's a good kisser." she replies. All I do is roll my eyes, and wonder how two very different people can end up as best friends.

September 24, 2011

When I woke up on Saturday, I didn't think I would hear anyone downstairs, but I did. I left the room with a baseball bat, just in case it was a thief or something, but I saw my dad. He held out his arms as if he was motioning to me for a hug. I brushed past him, without saying a word.

"Honey! Wait!" he shouted after me.

"You have no right to call me that." I replied coldly.

"I came to visit." he said softly.

"I don't need you to do that. I'm not a weak girl who can't take care of myself. I've been doing that for the past, what? Ten years?! You can't just show up now, after SO many years of disappearing and expect everything to be JUST fine. YOU NEVER CALLED. You never told me how you were doing or even cared how I was doing! You are NOT my father. Not even close." I shouted as a lump formed in my throat.

Surprised, he reached out his hand to touch my shoulder. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think.... I never thought...." said my father in a surprised tone, and a pained expression on his face. I turned away from him, tears swelling in my eyes.

I hated myself for crying. I really did. Especially in front of my dad. It showed EXACTLY how weak I was. "Just GO." I said while gritting my teeth. I watched my dad leave the house, get into his car, and drive away.

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