Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Robbie James Hicks

October 15, 2012 

"Homecoming Dance! Get your tickets!", called the girl from her booth. 

Skylar sat down at the table, next to Tyler and me. "Can you believe it? It's the homecoming dance of our senior year, and I don't have a date!" She pouted. "I was the princess last year! And I could easily be queen this year, but how am I supposed to be a queen without a date?! That's so embarrassing." 

"You always get one somehow. You'll get one now." I replied with a smile. 

Tyler raised his hand high in the hair. "I agree!", he announced over excitedly.

"Easy for you guys to say. You're all.. back together. And.. lovey-dovey." She paused to daydream. "I remember when I was like that. The good ol' days. Am I so revolting that no one wants to ask me?" 

Tyler smiled at her. "You have four days left. That's ninety-six hours. Plenty of time to get a date." 

"If only...", and she drifted off again. 

October 17, 2012

"GUESS WHAT?!" Skylar shouted, as she came bouncing up to me through my front door.

"You got a date?" I asked. 

"Yes! And he's totally gorgeous! Wanna hear how we met?" 

"Spare me." I replied sarcastically. 

She ignored my sarcastic comment. "Well, I was at the grocery store, and he was in front of me in line." 

I smirked. "Keep going." 

"Okay. Well, he dropped his bag of apples, and then I reached down to pick it up for him, and when I handed it to him, he looked me in the eyes. And oh my god, his eyes, they were the most beautiful color." 

"And that color is...?" 

"Brown. A very very very very very dark brown." 

"Oh. So black?" I asked, and started chuckling at my unoriginality. 

"Shaddep. And so then, I looked in his eyes. And they were so beautiful. Like. GORGEOUS. And he was all "Thanks." and his voice was just so sexy, and oh my god. Am I blushing? I feel like I'm blushing. Anyways! I asked him to homecoming, and he said yes!" she squealed excitedly. 

I nodded, and smiled, as she jumped up and down in happiness and joy. "Wait." She stopped. "Did you happen to catch his name..?" 

"Oh. No. But I'll figure it out eventually. Anyways, he goes to our school apparently! Let's go look him up in the yearbook of last year." I nodded, and ran upstairs to find the yearbook, and brought it back downstairs. 

"I always hated this one," I flipped a buncha pages. Past the freshmen, sophomores, and then onto the juniors, "my picture sucked." 

"Okay. Look for a guy with beautiful dark dark dark dark dark dark brown eyes, and brunette hair. He looks like a mix. Kinda of like, white and Mexican. Pale skin. The perfect shade." After a few moments of useless scanning of pages, we came across the guy. 

"I THINK I FOUND HIM!", I shouted successfully. 

"WHERE?!", Skylar asked. I pointed at the picture. She was right. He was very attractive. "Yep. That's him alright. Name?"

I looked off to the side. "Oh my dear god."

"What's up?"

"Bernie Michaelson."

"Bernie? His name... is BERNIE?" she shouted stressfully. "HE LOOKS LIKE THAT?! AND HIS PARENTS NAMED HIM BERNIE?! Ugh, screw this."

I burst out laughing, and she was too. We just couldn't stop.

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