Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Robbie James Hicks

January 21, 2012

I opened my front door slowly, and saw the familiar face of Tyler. He was wearing the shirt I gave him. 

"Why thank you so much for this lovely shirt and guess what tomorrow is dawlin'!" he says in a terrible Western accent. 

"Yeah. Whatever." I say before closing the door. I was halfway to the couch when I heard the doorbell again. 

Tyler stared at me, "Aren't you gonna let me in?" 

I stared right back. "Do I have to?"

He walked past me and sat down on the couch.

I sat down next to him. "You know what I can't stand?" 

"Mmm.. and what is that?" he asked sounding interested. 

"Couples. I hate couples. They're so annoying." 

He glared at me, and stopped slumping on the couch. "Was that directed towards me?" 

"No, you're different." 

"Why is that?" 

"You don't... do things publicly."

January 22, 2012

I brought Tyler an ice cream cake. Cookies & Cream. His favorite. Skylar got asked out by Chad. And she rejected him. 

February 3, 2012

"2 more months until Spring Break, damn it." I say and turn to Skylar with my arms crossed. "I hate this school." 

"Oh come ON. Valentine's Day is coming up! Couples, couples, everywhere. Roses. Pink, purple, red, white. Balloons. Stuffed animals. It's cute!" she replied dreamily. 

"I hate couples. Hate roses. Hate those colors. And stuffed animals make me sick," I replied annoyed by the thought of it. 

"So... You're not going to get Tyler something...?" she asked curiously. 

"Nope. And I bet you, he won't get me anything EITHER." I said.

February 14, 2012

Balloons. Animals. Colors. Gross. And I was right. No Valentine's Day gift for me!

February 29, 2012

Leap years. I hate them. What is it anyways? Why is there a leap year? An extra day of February? And say... someone was born on February 29. How old would they be when most people are sixteen? They would be four years old. Because of stupid Leap Year. 

March 3, 2012 

It was dark outside. Hot inside my house. I brought a blanket outside and lay in the grass, staring at the stars. People always talked about constellations. Orion, every Zodiac sign, Hercules. But I could never see them. Maybe it's because I don't have imagination, or... simply because I don't like to look for them. But the stars in the night sky. It was beautiful. They shined brightly. I remember watching Peter Pan a long time ago. There was this song... 

The second star to the right, 

Shining so bright.

I think those were the lyrics. I really can't remember anything else. And I used to try and find the second star to the right. I wanted to fly a plane there. And go to Neverland and meet Tinkerbell, and the forever young Peter Pan. But I grew up. And I realized, there's no such thing as Neverland. 

Tyler was supposed to be here about thirty minutes ago. Said he wanted to show me something. I don't understand couples. Why is there always some sort of... football quarterback that dates the head cheerleader and then he meets some new girl and she's all nerdy, and then he dumps the lovely cheerleader for the nerd? Why are all cliche stories like that? There's always some stupid dance or whatever. Or... the popular guy uses the geek, but ends up falling for her anyways? 

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