Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Michael Duc Nguyen

May 26, 2012 

"Just a few more days until summer vacation," I said with a sigh. 

"6 to be exact!" chimed Skylar. "Remember what I said about the beach, and movies, and sleepovers, and shopping." 

"We'll do... MOST of that." 

"We're both single." 

"It's better like this," I said with a small smile. 

May 30, 2012

Tyler hasn't been at school lately. Almost two weeks now. 

June 1, 2012

The last day. Still feels nothing like break. It was just as dull as the other days. What's so special about it anyways... 

June 5, 2012 

Summer break for me is nothing. There's nothing to do. Except sleep, eat, and staying up late. It's boring. But still, it's better than being in many classrooms for seven hours a day and five days a week. 

On Saturday, I'd be going over to Skylar's house for a movie marathon of the Harry Potter series.  

I'm not one of those people with lives. I sit at home and do nothing. I don't do sports, or play instruments. I'm lifeless. My life is a big huge chunk of boring. It's simple. Simple is easier. 

July 15, 2012 

My birthday was today. My dad sent money. I stuck that where I keep the rest of the money he gives me. Skylar gave me this charm bracelet, which little charms of things that had to do with memories we had together. And... Tyler gave me things to decorate my room with. He knew I was redecorating. Little glow in the dark stars. I aligned them to match certain constellations. They're nice to stare at when I can't fall asleep. 

I'm one year older, but it feels nothing like it. Nothing's special about seventeen. It's boring. Sixteen, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty. Those are important years. Sixteen, when most people have sweet sixteens. Thirteen, when you're finally a teenager. Fifteen, when some people have Quinceaneras. Eighteen, when you're basically an adult. You're in your final year of high school. Twenty-one, when you're allowed to drink. And fifty. Half way to one-hundred.

Seventeen is nothing. 

August 28, 2012 

School started five days ago. Senior year. Skylar is so excited. 

Apparently, this is the fun year for us. Prom, Graduation, applying for colleges. Preparing for the future. Going our separate ways. The rest of everyone's lives are basically mapped out. 

This year, then onto college, and then whatever happens next. 

A job, our own apartment, marriage, a family, death. Whatever. 

I have no idea what I want to do, and when I want to do it. No idea what college, or university. No nothing. Indecisive. That's what I am. 

I have no classes with Skylar this year, and none with anybody important to me. 

October 14, 2012 

I avoided his gaze, but I could feel him staring at me. From about ten feet away, he sat, holding a book in his hand. He was looking at me, and I was trying not to notice. I glanced up. But then he began walking. 

Crap, I thought. 

Closer, and closer, and closer. Until he stood two feet away from me. 

"Did you come here for something?" I asked, with my hand in the doorway. 

He put his book down. "Can I come in?" he asked politely. 

I opened my mouth, but then closed it again. I couldn't think of what to say. "Why are you here?" was all that came out. But he didn't answer. He just stepped into my house, and I held the door open. He sat on the couch, while I sat on a separate chair. "Are you going to answer?" I asked, enunciating the "answer". Twenty seconds, nothing. "All right. Then I have something to say." 

He looked up from the floor, and turned to face me, and gave a small nod. "Okay." 

My throat tightened. "Why?" 

The question seemed to surprise him. His eyes widened. "Hasn't--Skylar--Hasn't Skylar said anything?" 

My turn to be surprised. I thought back. All those times. She had tried talking to me about it. I just didn't listen. I didn't want to talk about it, or think about it. I just ignored it all together. But then again, what was she supposed to say? 

"About what?" I asked, anxious for the answer. 

"Nothing. Never mind. Forget about it. I'll go." He got up from the couch, and started towards the door. I got up at as quickly as he did, and ran to block his way. 

"What do you want? You came here for something. What was it? SAY IT." I demanded. He pushed his way past me. 

"I said it was nothing," he replied sternly. 

But I wouldn't let him go that easily. "Why are you being like this? What's your PROBLEM? You came here, asked to come in, sat on my COUCH, and then said nothing. And now you're just going to leave. Without saying ANYTHING. Can you just, stop? If you're not going to tell me, don't come here."

And then he stopped. Stopped trying to get past, stopped walking. And looked me in the eyes. "It was five months ago. Let it go." 



"I said no. I'm not going to just "let it go". I let so many things go. I let my dad go, and my mom, and you, and I'm not going to do that again. I'm not going to let this go. I will get down on my knees, and beg you. Just. Tell. Me." I pleaded desperately. 

"I don't have to tell you anything." His eyes. They weren't that icy, cold, blue that they were four months back. They were kind, and welcoming, like that first time we met. "This will explain everything." And then he leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek. 

I slapped him. "That explains nothing." And then I looked him in the eyes. "But it works." 

And for the first time in five months, I was happy again. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you guys haven't noticed, there are a LOT of time lapses in this chapter.. So it's actually been five months since their break up. That was in April, and now it's October. I just wanted to point that out for people if you got confused. xD But yeah. So.. I said this story would be.. how many months long? 19 months xD. Well, now I have.. 13 done I think! YAY! xD 6 more to go, and I am done. Excuse my grammatical errors. I never proofread. 

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