Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Robbie James Hicks

March 10, 2013

It's beginning to get warmer. Spring is almost here. Tyler said he wants to "show me something", when it comes. I wonder what it is. 

March 13, 2013

Tyler went home early today. Major headache, he says. It's not bad though. Just a migraine. He told me not to worry. 

March 20, 2013

Turns out it was more than a headache. He's out sick again. He has the flu. But it isn't bad.

March 26, 2013

"Can you believe it?" I said happily as I sat down at the lunch table with Skylar and Tyler. "We're almost two months away from being free!" 

"Yeah. Until college." Tyler said. 

Skylar bit into her sandwich, finished chewing, and then replied with, "You're right though. I never heard. Tyler, what are you planning to be?" 

He looked surprised. "Hm.. Well. I've always wanted to be an engineer, but that won't happen." 

"Why not?" I asked. 

"Uh.. just 'cause. It's just a dream. Never gonna happen. Nope. Never. What about you?" 

"Uhm. Still unsure. But I think I'm going to apply for the University of Chicago, I think."

"Well yeah. But what are you going to BE?" Skylar asked.

"I guess I'll know when it happens." I gave a small shrug. 

"Okay then. I want to go to Stanford, but it's pretty far. So I might apply for somewhere near here instead." 

March 30, 2013

It rained today. Skylar slept over. We watched "27 Dresses" and "Mean Girls". Amazing day.

April 7, 2013 

"GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT?" Tyler shouted, as he entered my house. "Today is our one-year-anniversary!" 

"What? No it's not. We broke up and got back together. How is that one year?" 

"Forget about that for a minute, and accept this present!" He reached behind his back, and kept his hand in a fist. 

"What?" He opened it. Empty. 

"Your present is arriving April 21. Remember that date. I will be over to pick you up. No excuses. You're going." And just like that, he left. 

April 10, 2013 

I sat on the almost de-frosted grass and stared at the clouds in the sky. The air was clear and warm, as if it were spring already. Before I knew it, I was up and running. Running in a direction that my feet knew. But I wasn't thinking about it. It was like my brain knew where I wanted to be, but my heart rejected it. Before I knew it, I was there. In the one place I'd avoided for so many years. I stood, staring at the picture of a woman who people say I looked a lot alike. 

I was in the cemetery, staring at the picture of my beautiful and smiling mother. I bent down, placing my fingers over her face. And sat down in the dirt. 

"Hey mom," I started, "I don't know why I'm here. I just started running, and I couldn't stop." There were dead flowers near her tombstone. Probably my father two months ago. "I ended up in the graveyard at your tombstone, see? So there's this guy. And everything about him makes me happy. Like you made me happy back then. I know you would be here if you could, but you can't. And I know that now. There's no exact guide to "teenager life", but you could've helped right? Oh and I'm sorry. I know I've been avoiding you. Avoiding this place. Everything. But mommy, I'm happy." I smiled. "Dad's not though. He doesn't say it, but I know he misses you. And I miss you too, mommy. I miss you a lot. You don't think I'm doing the wrong thing right? Being mad at dad. He left after you did."

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