Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Michael Duc Nguyen

December 12, 2011

I stared at Devin coldly, waiting to see if he had some sort of explanation. He said nothing. I turned around and began walking out of the gym.

"Wait! You can't tell Skylar about us." he protested.

I stopped walking, but didn't turn around. "Why wouldn't I? How many times have you cheated on her? Ten? How long did you think you could go without finding out?" I asked bitterly.

"This was the first time." he answered.

"FIRST?!" I asked loudly and turned around to face him. "First?! You make me laugh! FIRST! What about that girl on the beach?!"

"She-----" he attempted to explain.

"Oh right. I almost forgot. She threw herself at you, isn't that right?"

"You can't tell Skylar." he said again. I looked him dead in the eye. No guilt.

"Oh please. At ALL means. ENLIGHTEN me." I retorted.

"You can't tell her because you know how sad she'll be. She might even cry. And then you'll know it's all your fault. And you won't do that to your best friend, will you? You can't make her cry."

"Yes." I replied.

"What?" he asked in shock.

I pulled out my water bottle. "Yes. I CAN do that to my best friend. Because at least she'll be away from YOU and your sick WHORE." I said coldy as threw the bottle at him.

~~~~10 Minutes Later~~~~

I sat down at the table slowly. "Skylar." I called.


"Uhm... there's something you should know about Devin." I said quietly.

"Okay. He's really changed hasn't he? He's the best boyfriend ever! I can't wait for Christmas." she replied excitedly.

"Okay. So..." I began as I thought of what Devin had said. His words echoed through my mind.

"You won't do that to your best friend, will you?"

And I realized he was right. I couldn't see my friend cry. But I couldn't let her crash and burn either. "He's cheating on you." I mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you." she said.

"He's cheating on you." I repeated, this time louder.

She threw her spoon down and crossed her arms. Not good. "How could you say that?"

"He was kis------" I tried to explain.

She simply shook her head. "No."

"Skylar. He was kis------." I tried.


I reached out my hand.

"NO." she said for the third time.

"Hey... don't just..."

"How could you say that right now? He wouldn't do that." she whispered in disbelief.

December 14, 2011

"Tyler?" I whispered quiet enough so Ms. Hutcherson wouldn't hear.

"What?" he asked just as quiet.

"What'd you get for number.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?" I asked innocently.

He glared at me. "That's the entire assignment."

"Yup. So what'd you get?" I asked sweetly.

"B." I wrote it down.

"B." I bubbled in the answer.

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