Part 3

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-next day-

I wake up getting out of bed checking the time {7:30am} and walk out of mine and Corbyn's room quietly and walk downstairs with Jasper and let's him outside walking over to his bowls and picks them up slowly.

I walk to the island in the kitchen and set the bowls down on the counter and fill up Jaspers food bowl and water bowl and goes and put it back down letting him back in.

I make breakfast for me and Corbyn and look at the time again {8:02am} I grab corbyns plate and mine and walks upstairs holding them.

I set the plate down on his bedside table and sit down on the bed with my plate grabbing my laptop and opens it up turning it on putting in my password and looks up houses in LA.

Corbyn wakes up. "good morning." Corbyn groans out still sleepy. "good morning handsome your breakfast is on your bedside table." I say with a smile.

"thank you baby." corbyn says sitting up in bed and grabs his plate starting to eating. "I'm looking at houses." I say looking at Corbyn.

corbyn looks over at my laptop. "I'm not looking for a house right in LA cause I don't trust people." I say looking at him.

he nods and looks at his phone trying to figure how long it would take for him to get to the studio from the houses that I'd liked.

"well what one are we picking, cause there all close enough to the studio and the boys house." corbyn says to me.

shows him all the houses again.

shows him all the houses again

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Corbyn points to the 3rd one

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Corbyn points to the 3rd one. "Ok well you can call and I'll call my brother and my mom." I say looking at him.

corbyn nods and gets up walking downstairs to call the people.

I call Jack. "hello what's up." Jack says right when he answers. "me and Corbyn are gonna move to la." I say really fast.

Jack looks at me through the phone. "how are you gonna get your stuff here and why you just saying this now." Jack says.

"so it's easier for corbyn and everyone and I'm gonna buy plane tickets for all of you guys and I'll get movers so we don't have to deal with it." I say.

Lavender yells. "well I gotta get back to lavender before she freaks out, please give me information when you know everything." Jack says ending the call.

I call my mom and talk to her and tell her.

Corbyn walks in. "well they said they'll let us know in two days but they told us to start packing since we live so far." Corbyn says sitting down.

I sigh and gives Corbyn my laptop and tell him to buy everyone plane tickets with my card and gets up walking into the bathroom throwing up.

Corbyn runs in and rubs my back holding my hair. "shh you need to calm down I know moving is stressful for you." Corbyn whispers to me and I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet and goes back to the bed and sits down.

"we will get this done everyone has plane tickets here and back and i bought a moving company that will move our stuff that we want there and I bought a car move company too so everything is gonna be ok." corbyn says to me getting down to my level and kisses me....

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