The end

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*Y/n and Jack are sleeping when her water brakes*
My water broke~Me
Shit their early~Jack
*Jack grabs the babies bag and get emma and take me to the car and we get in and drive to the hospital*
Shhh baby~Jack
*i have the twins*
Their so cute~I cry
Names?~Jack's mom
Madison and Mason~Jack
*I smile and post this

We made theses two baby~I cryShhh baby calm down~JackIt's hard~MeOk baby~Jack*They go home, Skip a year*Morning Madison~I say take her out of her crib and put her downMorning mason~I say and take him out of his crib*Madison holds her crib and star...

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We made theses two baby~I cry
Shhh baby calm down~Jack
It's hard~Me
Ok baby~Jack
*They go home, Skip a year*
Morning Madison~I say take her out of her crib and put her down
Morning mason~I say and take him out of his crib
*Madison holds her crib and starts walking and I get it on my volg*
Omg Madison!~Me
*Madison smiles and walks to me hugging my leg*
*Mason walks to jack who walks in*
*Skip two years*
Yes pumpkin~Me
Sissy hurt me~Madison
I didn't mommy~Emma
Who did it then~Me
Uncle Zachy~Emma
*I laugh and look and zach*
No it was Mason~Zach
I guesses that~Me
Hungeyyyyyyyyyy~Madison,Mason and Emma
Ok I'm making breakfast right now~Me
Auntie I love you~Hailey(Zach and Jordan kid)
I love you too sweetie~Me
*Jack wraps his arms around me and I smile*
Hi cutie~Me
Hi baby~Jack
*I kiss jack and grab the baby plates and put chopped strawberry and watermelon then pancakes with bacon and put it in front of each kid*
Your sister can literally can watch all theses kids by herself and it's crazy~Jack
Maybe because she babysit me,Reese and Ryan~Zach
*I sit down on jack's lap and post this

We made theses two baby~I cryShhh baby calm down~JackIt's hard~MeOk baby~Jack*They go home, Skip a year*Morning Madison~I say take her out of her crib and put her downMorning mason~I say and take him out of his crib*Madison holds her crib and star...

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I love you~Me
I love you too~Jack...

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