Part 2

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*I wake up and smile seeing my fiancé next to me and grab my camera*
Good morning Cuties I gotta be quiet because my fiancé is sleeping oh we picked a house I'll put it right here *points to the right of the camera* and we're going to start getting stuff and we're going to get a puppy and a kitty and I'm excited but weren't gonna get them until after the whole moving thing but I'm gonna go get dressed do my makeup and hair so I'll talk to you cuties~Me
*i put my camera down and gets dressed*

*I wake up and smile seeing my fiancé next to me and grab my camera*Good morning Cuties I gotta be quiet because my fiancé is sleeping oh we picked a house I'll put it right here *points to the right of the camera* and we're going to start getting...

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*do my makeup*

*do my makeup*

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*and hair*

*and walks back in my room and turn my camera*I'm gonna wake my cutie up, babe~Me*I turn my camera and poke him then shake him*Ughh~Me*turns my camera and suck his neck and Zach wakes up*Morning cutie~MeMorning babe~Zach*smiles*I may have gave you...

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*and walks back in my room and turn my camera*
I'm gonna wake my cutie up, babe~Me
*I turn my camera and poke him then shake him*
*turns my camera and suck his neck and Zach wakes up*
Morning cutie~Me
Morning babe~Zach
I may have gave you a hickey~Me
It's ok~Zach
You like my outfit~Me
*hands him the camera and he points it to me and I do a spin*
I love it babe~Zach
*I Smile*
Thanks babe~Me
Your little bump shows cutie~Zach
*I rub my bump*
This baby is gonna be so happy~Me
Yes it is baby~Zach
Let's go to the house and then go to stores and start buying and move in stuff my brother and the rest of them said yes they'll help~Me
I gotta get ready babe~Zach
Ok go get ready~Me
*Smiles at the camera and goes downstairs*
Cuties I'm gonna show you what I usually make for breakfast since I'm pregnant now~Me
*sets camera up and connects my phone to the speaker and play my "Why don't we" playlist*
I might have to put different music over but you guys know what I'm listening to~Me
*i giggle and start making my breakfast and Zach comes downstairs*
*zach smiles and waves at the camera*
Oh hi baby boy I see you in the camera~Me
Morning girly~Zach
*Zach kisses me*
I'm happy~Me
*Zach rubs my bump*
Wanna call my brother~Me
*I grab my breakfast and grab my camera and sit down and grab my coffee*
So I've been eating this like Tuesdays Thursday and Saturday mornings so and it's good this is what it looks like~Me
*I show the camera this*

*and walks back in my room and turn my camera*I'm gonna wake my cutie up, babe~Me*I turn my camera and poke him then shake him*Ughh~Me*turns my camera and suck his neck and Zach wakes up*Morning cutie~MeMorning babe~Zach*smiles*I may have gave you...

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Baby can you ft him~Zach
Ya of course babe~Me
*Grab my phone and FaceTime him showing the camera it ringing*
Yes his name is "giraffe💕" because he's my brother and he doesn't care if I call him that, DANIEL JAM- ~Me
*Dani answers*
Hi Dani~Me
You ready?~Me
Yes so are the other boys~Daniel
Ok I'll meet you at the house~Me
Ok bye sis I love you~Daniel
I love you too bye~Me
*Ends the call*
Ready babe~Zach
*puts bowl and cup in the sink and grab my camera and phone*
We'll see you when we get there~Me
*Turns the camera off and kisses Zach and I drive to the house*
Hey boys~Me
*Zach holds my hand*
We're going to look at is again and see what to get which we know~Me
*zach giggles and we look then go to the store buy everything for the kitchen,living room,dining room,downstairs game room,movie room and our room and takes the truck there then go and get the stuff for the baby room then paint for our room*

To be continued....

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