Part 7

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-skip a week-

*caring rose in her carrier carefully packing her stuff for the camping trip*
Baby careful-zach
I am love-me
None of the boys met theses girls yet-zach
Nope since that got a cold and now there ok but we're all packing-me
*ruby starts to cry*
She might have a stinky dipper or she's hungry-me
*zach picks her up and cheeks her dipper*
Yuck she did a stinky-zach
*giggles and Zach changes her dipper*
All cleaned cutie-zach
*ruby holds her toes*
She's so cute-me
Yes she is-zach
*zach picks her up*
Baby can you feed the dogs and the kitty-me
Yes baby-zach
*grabs the vlog camera*
Hii loveees I'm packing the twins stuff right now for the camping trip *smiles* soo I'm gonna do a time lapse-me
*sets the camera up and continues to pack taking Rose out of the carrier and in the playing and continues to pack*
You doing ok in here-zach
Yes I just have to pack a lot for the twins and I think all I need left is their bathtub thing-me
Ok baby-zach
*i grab the camera*
Now I have to pack for me and zach which isn't that bad-me
*zach turns the camera to himself*
I just chased a hyper puppy all around the house just so I can feed her because she wouldn't stop eating the other puppies food-zach
*giggles and kisses his cheek*
Go shower love-me
~skip after everything is packed~
Baby can you help me put everything in the car-me
Yes baby of course-zach
*smiles big and puts the twins in the play pin and helps zach put the stuff in the car and walks to the twins*
Hi cuties-me
I'll get Storm and Summer in the car and you can get Sassy in her carrier-zach
Ok baby-me
Come on pups-zach
*zach grabs their leashes and gets them in the car in the way back and I get the kids ready and walks to the car with them*
Sooooooo cuteeeee-zach
*smiles and gets them in their seats*
Get the car running and some air in the back for them-me
Ok baby you gonna get sassy-zach
*smiles and goes and gets sassy in her carrier and walks to the car and put it on Zach's lap*
I'll be right back-me
*i lock up the house and walks back and takes it and puts it on my lap and buckles ans looks back to the twins and puts their blankets on them and gets them to sleep and looks at Zach and puts sassy out of the carrier on my lap and puts a blanket over me and slowly falls asleep*
Where we going right to the campground or to your moms-zach
Mom baby-me
Ok you can sleep love-zach
*falls back to sleep*

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