Part 8

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*gets to my moms*

Hiii cuties-Daniel
*daniel says to the twins in the back seat*
Hey dani-zach
Hey she sleeping?-daniel
*i wake up and jumps*
Jesus your a dick-me
*daniel runs and I get out and chase after him*
Daniel y/n-Keri
Sorry mom-me
*Daniel laughs*
So who's connecting the camper to my truck-me
I am and is Zach's family coming-Jeff
Yes dad but I told them to just go right to the campground-me
Can I ride with you guys-Daniel
Ya you don't wanna drive with mom and dad and Anna-me
Ok you'll be in the front seat because I gotta be by my babies-me
*zach puts sassy in the carrier and in the back by the dogs and I get in the back and let's sassy back out*
Shush let's go-me
*Daniel and zach get in*
Dani can I have my blanket-me
*daniel hands me my blanket*
Sometimes I think you guys are twins-zach
Zachary dean-me
Oh shit-zach
Sorry guys-zach
It's ok baby-me
-skip to the campground-
*i gets out and let's Summer and Storm on their leashes and walks them around*
Baby you want to get the twins?-zach
Yes baby-me
*i sit and hook the dogs up so don't have to hold the leash and zach sets the twins down on the picnic table in there car seats*
Their probably hungry-me
*Rose and Ruby starts crying and I pick up rose and grabs her blanket and covers her and feeds her and gives ruby her bottle*
You gonna help me or stand there !-daniel
*zach goes and helps him*
Hi y/n-Reese
*Reese smiles at Ruby*
Hey mom-zach
Hey Zach-Myta
*i put Rose in her car seat and pulls down the cover so the sun isn't in her face*
She's so cute-zach
Yes she is-me
*picks them up and walks inside the camper and sets them in their beds*
*rose giggles*
Babyy come get your kitty-zach
*walks to the car and grabs her and walks inside and sets her down and looks in my stuff and grabs pj's and goes into the bathroom in the camper and closes the door and gets in the shower*
Yes love I'm in the shower-me
Oh everyone was wondering where you were-zach
Ok I'll be out in a minute-me
Ok baby-zach
*washes my hair and body and turns the water off and gets into my pj's brushes my hair and teeth and sets up the baby monitors and gets my shoes on and walks to zach and cuddles up into him*
Hii baby-zach
I'm cold-me
Ik it's cold out here that's why my dad started a campfire-zach
The kiddos sleeping-Myta
Yep and Reese is in mine and Zach's camper sleeping for right now because she said she was tired I told her I'll wake her up when dinners done-me
*zach rubs my back*
Mm I love you-me
I love you too baby-zach
-skip to a little later-
*walks inside the camper and checks the girls and gets Reese up*
*gets the twins in jackets and walks outside*
Look at my cutiesss-zach
*zach takes ruby*
*sits down and puts a blanket on me and feeds rose and gives Zach a bottle and starts to eat*
She's a daddy's girl isn't she-myta
*finishes and gets up and takes ruby*
I'm gonna go to bed baby if you want to come-me
I'm gonna stay out here for a little-zach
Ok baby-me
*goes in the camper and lays the twins in their beds and gets changed into this

Hiii cuties-Daniel*daniel says to the twins in the back seat*Hey dani-zachHey she sleeping?-daniel Yep-zachSISSY-daniel*i wake up and jumps*Jesus your a dick-me*daniel runs and I get out and chase after him*Daniel y/n-KeriSorry mom-me*Daniel laugh...

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and gets into bed with the twins and puts on a movie watching it and starts to fall asleep, zach walks in and gets the twins and lays them in their beds and gets changed into only pajama bottoms and cuddles up to me and Daniel walks in*
Hey you forgot your phone and why isn't the door locked-dani
Idk man-zach
*zach gets up and grabs his phone and locks the door and sets phone down and cuddles back up to me and falls asleep*

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