Part 1

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(Y/n p.o.v)
*I pick up my vlog camera*
Hey cuties, today actually idk why I'm doing today so i guess we'll find out I'm gonna get in the shower and I'll turn the camera on when I'm doing my hair and makeup and I'll show you my outfit~*I turn off the camera and put it down and gets in the shower and then after the shower I grab my camera after I wrap a towel around me*
Hey gu- Ooooo my baby texted me~Me
*i put the camera on the stand and text Zach back*
Baby boy🥰: Hey babygirl
Me💕: Hey baby boy
Baby boy🥰: what you doing
Me💕: just got out of the shower about to get dressed and do my makeup and hair.
Baby boy🥰: Oh ok can we hangout later baby?
Baby boy🥰: call me when your done
Me💕: ok babe
*puts my phone down and smiles*
Ok so I'm gonna get my outfit and I'm gonna do some YouTube magic~ *giggles and covers the camera and gets into this*

*and uncover the camera*All dressed, I'm gonna do my makeup and hair and I'm going to put it on high speed because why not, oh hi stormy I know babygirl I'll feed you soon~Me*barks*~Storm*walks to her food with the camera and gives her food*There ...

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*and uncover the camera*
All dressed, I'm gonna do my makeup and hair and I'm going to put it on high speed because why not, oh hi stormy I know babygirl I'll feed you soon~Me
*walks to her food with the camera and gives her food*
There silly~Me
*walks back and dose my makeup*

*and uncover the camera*All dressed, I'm gonna do my makeup and hair and I'm going to put it on high speed because why not, oh hi stormy I know babygirl I'll feed you soon~Me*barks*~Storm*walks to her food with the camera and gives her food*There ...

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*And hair*

All done, jeez you can see me small baby bump oh ya guys me and Zach are trying to find a house and we're going to have a baby of course you guys know that but my bump is getting a little bit bigger~Me*I lift my shirt and show the small bump*Fuck ...

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All done, jeez you can see me small baby bump oh ya guys me and Zach are trying to find a house and we're going to have a baby of course you guys know that but my bump is getting a little bit bigger~Me
*I lift my shirt and show the small bump*
Fuck I need to call my baby~Me
*grabs my camera and phone and go into my room and calls Zach*
Zach: Hello
Me: Hey baby boy
Zach: Are you ready
Me: yes baby and my bump got a little bigger
Zach: yay
Me: awe I'll see you soon
Zach: ok baby bye
Me: bye my love *ends the call*
*grab my camera and phone and walks downstairs and shows the vlog the bump*
I can't get over this bump ahhh but my baby gonna be here soon so I'll turn the camera back on when he gets here~Me
*Turns the camera off*
What girly oh you need water~Me
*gives her water and Zach walks in*
Hii baby~Me
Hey babygirl~Zach
*I kiss him and smile*
I had to give my girl water~Me
It's ok baby let's go look for house~Zach
Ok baby~Me
*i gets the camera out and go to the first house and we look around the the second then the third*

All done, jeez you can see me small baby bump oh ya guys me and Zach are trying to find a house and we're going to have a baby of course you guys know that but my bump is getting a little bit bigger~Me*I lift my shirt and show the small bump*Fuck ...

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*and then we get in the car and they go back to my house*
Go get in your bathing suit I'll vlog for you~Zach
Ok baby~Me
*i go upstairs*
Hey umm cuties, why dose y/n call you guys that but anyways, Hi babygirl you'll see this when your editing tonight *smiles* I love you so much we've been together for 5 years that's crazy your pregnant with my baby and we're going to be moving in together oh and yes baby you can put this in the vlog *giggles* your my world my everything and I hope you take this ring~Zach
*Zach shows this ring*

*and then we get in the car and they go back to my house*Go get in your bathing suit I'll vlog for you~ZachOk baby~Me*i go upstairs*Hey umm cuties, why dose y/n call you guys that but anyways, Hi babygirl you'll see this when your editing tonight ...

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*and I get into this*

*I run downstairs*I'm ready baby~MeOk baby let's go~Zach*They go to the beach and the go to the area where it's set up with her eyes closed and he opens them*What's this for baby why is my brother and everyone here~*i say as I hold my camera in fr...

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*I run downstairs*
I'm ready baby~Me
Ok baby let's go~Zach
*They go to the beach and the go to the area where it's set up with her eyes closed and he opens them*
What's this for baby why is my brother and everyone here~*i say as I hold my camera in front of me*
*Zach gets on one knee*
Y/n Y/m/n Seavey will you marry me?~Zach
*I start crying and look at him then at the camera*
*Zach puts the pretty ring on me*
It's so cute~Me
You like it?~Zach
Awe babe~Zach
*zach kisses me*
How pregnancy so far sis?~Daniel
Good you can feel the small bump~Me
*Dani feels the bump and I giggle*
Well guys I'm engaged~Me
*i show the ring to the camera*
It's so damn beautiful babe~Me
*I kiss him*
Your Beautiful~Zach
Thank you baby~Me
*they get home*
I'm gonna take this makeup off and this hair out of the braids and get pj's on the cuddle up to my fiancé so byeeee cuties~Me
*turns the camera off and gets my makeup off and take my hair out of the braids and get undressed and put one of Zach's hoodies on and lays down and cuddles him and we watch a movie until we fall asleep*

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