Part 5

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*Jack p.o.v*
Yes princess?~Me
I woke up and I didn't feel good so I just laid there~Cora
Lay down on daddy's side I'll go get the thermometer~Me
otay dada~Cora
*I go to the bathroom and grab the thermometer and walks back to her*
Open mouth pumpkin~Me
*Cora opens her mouth and I put the thermometer on the bottom of her tongue*
Just holds it there~Me
*Cora nods and Zach walks in*
Hi baby~Zach
Hi Zek~Me
What's wrong with princess?~Zach
I think she has the flu~Me
*The thermometer beeps and Jack looks*
You have a flu princess~Me
I feel hot can I take my shirt off~Cora
*Cora takes her shirt off*
Me and Cam will go get her medicine~Zach
Dada I feel like I'm gonna throw up~Cora
*I grab a trashcan and hands it to her*
Thank you dada~Cora
Your welcome~Me
*Cora throws up and I rub her back*
All done~Cora
I'll just put it down right here ok~Me
*I posted this*

v*dada~CoraYes princess?~MeI woke up and I didn't feel good so I just laid there~Cora Lay down on daddy's side I'll go get the thermometer~Meotay dada~Cora *I go to the bathroom and grab the thermometer and walks back to her*Open mouth pumpkin~Me*...

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I love you pumpkin~Me
I love you too~Cora
*Zach gets back and he posted this*

Guess who's back with medicine~ZachDaddy~CoraYep~ZachWhat flavor~MeHer favorite~ZachOk~MeHow does she feel~ZachShe just threw up a little bit ago~Me*Zach puts her medicine in the cup and gives it to her and she takes it*Yum~CoraWant a water prince...

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Guess who's back with medicine~Zach
What flavor~Me
Her favorite~Zach
How does she feel~Zach
She just threw up a little bit ago~Me
*Zach puts her medicine in the cup and gives it to her and she takes it*
Want a water princess~Zach
Yes please~Cora
*Zach goes and grabs a water bottle*
Here you go~Zach
Thank you daddy~Cora
Your welcome, has she just been cuddled up to you shirtless~Zach
Ya princess~Me
Can you put on the spongebob movie on please~Cora
Yes, Cameron you hungry?~Me
Ok I'll make some dinner~Me
*I put on the movie and dim the lights and shuts the door a little and walks downstairs*
Our princess is so sick~Zach
I feel bad I wish it was me not her~Me
*Zach wraps his arms around jacks waist*
I love you~Zach
I love you too and can you set the table please~Me
Thanks you~Me
Your welcome baby~Zach
*Zach sets the table like this*

Guess who's back with medicine~ZachDaddy~CoraYep~ZachWhat flavor~MeHer favorite~ZachOk~MeHow does she feel~ZachShe just threw up a little bit ago~Me*Zach puts her medicine in the cup and gives it to her and she takes it*Yum~CoraWant a water prince...

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*and I finish dinner*

dinner's done !~Me*Cam runs down slowly and Zach puts him in his high chair and gives him some spaghetti and gives him some apple juice*I'll go get princess get her a plate ready and give her some water~Me*I walk upstairs and get Cora and go back ...

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dinner's done !~Me
*Cam runs down slowly and Zach puts him in his high chair and gives him some spaghetti and gives him some apple juice*
I'll go get princess get her a plate ready and give her some water~Me
*I walk upstairs and get Cora and go back downstairs and put her in her high chair*
Dada can I just have a small bit~Cora
Yes princess~me
*I get her a little bit and puts it on her table and grab her water bottle and puts it in the cup holder*
Baby you didn't get her anything~Me
I didn't know how much she wanted~Zach
It's ok~Me
*We eat and get up and zach starts cleaning the dishes and I take the kids upstairs and get them in the bath and Cora starts coughing*
Is it medicine time?~Me
Yes dada~Cora
*I get her medicine and hand it to her and her takes it and I wash the cup*
Ya cam~Me
Can you turn on the tv in here~Cameron
Yep what to you want to watch~Me
What's that show called that you and daddy watch it and it's like they fix houses~Cameron
Fixer upper~Me
*I turn on fixer upper and start washing Cora hair*
*I turn my head and see Zach making a silly face*
You cutie~Me
Can you wash cam please baby~Me
*Zach starts washing Cameron hair and I start washing Cora body*
Dada I wanna go to bed~Cora
Ok princess~Me
*I gets her out and dry her up and get her dressed and takes Cora to her room and puts her in bed and kisses her forehead*
Night pumpkin~Me
Night dada~Cora
*I walk out and turn off the lights and shut her door and walk to Zach and Cameron *
Baby go lay down I'll put him to bed~Zach
*I take my shirt and pants off and lay down and Zach gets Cameron dressed and to bed and walks back and takes up his pants and shirt and cuddles me and we fall asleep*

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