part 2

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corbyn wakes up and gets out of bed slowly and walks into the bathroom and uses it and walks out and jasper starts barking "shhh mommy's sleeping" corbyn whispers to him and he stops and walk out going downstairs and grabs jaspers food bowl and fills it and sets it down and looks in the fridge grabbing eggs and bacon and starts to make breakfast.

i wake up and rubs my eyes and look over at corbyns spot and gets up and walks downstairs rubbing my small bump. "here you areee." I say and smile and lay head on Corbyn and yawns "you sleepy still huh?" corbyn says and looks at me and I nod and grab a peace of bacon that was done and eats it and goes and sits at the table waiting.

corbyn gets our plates ready and sets them down and grabs two glasses and pours orange juice into it and sets them down and sits down. "thank you baby." I say and smile at him and start to eat and look at jasper. "daddy fed you sir" I say and jasper barks at me "shhh." I say and we both continue to eat.

I get up and grab our plates and washes them off and sets them into the dishwasher. "I gotta go get ready baby." I say "me too baby I'll get ready after you tho ok." Corbyn says and smiles at me and I walk upstairs and walk into our room and walk into our closet and looks at the outfits and gets into this >

" Corbyn says and smiles at me and I walk upstairs and walk into our room and walk into our closet and looks at the outfits and gets into this >

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and looks in the mirror and walks into our bathroom and seeing corbyn brushing his teeth "heyyy when did you get in here." I say and giggle "just when you were changing babe." Corbyn says and smiles and I start to brush my teeth and start getting out my makeup and puts on the makeup and turns on the curler and looks at corbyn as he puts on his shirt and I smile and start to curl my hair.

"not showing the bump today huh ?" Corbyn says "I need to do my laundry so this is all I had." I say and giggle and finish. "you ready ?" I say "yes baby." Corbyn says and walks downstairs and goes into the basement and puts jasper into his room "be a good boy." Corbyn says and walks back upstairs and grabs the keys and looks at me grabbing my purse and follows him outside and locks the door up and gets into the car and corbyn gets in and we buckle up and he starts to drive to the hospital.

-skip to when we're in the room-

I hold onto corbyns hands and smiles "I'm nervous." I say "why baby your ok." Corbyn says and looks at me and kisses me softly. the nurse walk in and ask a few questions and then lifts my shirt up a little and puts a cold gel on my stomach and starts to look "do you wanna know now or keep it a secret ?" the nurse ask and I look at corbyn then her "say it now please." I say softly. "it's a boy." the nurse says and smiles at us and I look at corbyn and smile big and kiss him.

-skip when they get home-

"babyyy." I say "yes babe ?" Corbyn questions "did the boys already leave ?" I say looking at him and he nods "ughhh." I say and grab my laptop and ft Jack on my laptop and wait till he answers. "HIII AUNTIEEE" lavender yells answering the phone "where your dad sweetie?" I say and Jack takes the phone "what's up?" Jack says walking to the boys "I wanted to tell you guys the gender" I say and corbyn walks over and sits down "oooo" the boys say and I look at corbyn "you wanna tell them?" I ask corbyn "sure... it's a.. boyyyy!!" Corbyn says and the boys get excited and I giggle "weirdos, but I think I'm gonna go get some sleep I think" I say and wave to them and they all say bye and I end the call.

Corbyn wraps his arms around me. "you gonna go take a nap." Corbyn says kissing my neck.

"yes our little one makes me tired." I say and turn to him and kiss him and walk upstairs slowly Jasper following me. I get to mine and Corbyn's room and lays down Jasper jumping up and laying his head on my stomach.

I put the tv on putting on "stranger things" and pets Jasper slowly falling asleep.


Corbyn rubs my arm "love wake up i made dinner." Corbyn says softly trying to get me up.

I slowly wake up and look at him and smile.

"come on love food is ready downstairs." Corbyn says and i get up rubbing my eyes and get out of bed following Corbyn downstairs.

I sit down at the table and start to eat. "still tired." Corbyn says sitting down. I just nod my head and continue to eat.

"hey what's wrong." Corbyn says looking at me concerned. "I'm just trying to think if it would be better if we lived in LA." I mumble looking up at him.

"what do you mean?" Corbyn questions me. "I had a dream and everything seemed more better since your job is there and my family cause they moved their to help Jack." I mumble.

"but Tennessee is your dream place to live and I don't want to ruin that." Corbyn says. "we can always have a vacation house here." I say looking at him.

"yeah and with the baby coming in a few months I don't know how much money we will have if I keep spending it on plane tickets to go to LA." Corbyn says.

I look at him. "plus I can help my mom and sisters out since they've been watching lavender so much." I say with a smile.

"and you'd love that." Corbyn says smiling back. "plus we were 18 when we came here cause we wanted to get away from everyone, now we're 21 and I'm kinda getting bored of Tennessee." I say.

"well let's finish eating and can just chill out for the night and then think and talk about this tomorrow." Corbyn says with a smile.

I smile and nod and eat my food. Finishing up my food and gets up walking to the sink and washing my plate and grab corbyns plate and washes it.

I let Jasper out and stand there. "are you sure you wanna move there babe." corbyn says. "yes I just want everyone to be happy and I miss my family so yes." I say and wrap my arms around him.

"I'll pay for everyone's plane tickets to come here and help." I say looking him. "and we can go through everything since we haven't gone through shit since we were eighteen years old well I was seventeen but you know what I mean." I say

Corbyn nods and let's Jasper in. "let's go get ready for bed." Corbyn says walks upstairs and I follow him. "plu-." I start talking. "shh we will talk more tomorrow I don't want you stressing yourself out." Corbyn says looking at me.

I nod walking into our room and sits on the bed out of breath.

"I'll get you clothes just relax." Corbyn says getting concerned again. "you're to overprotective love I'm ok I just get out of breath cause I'm pregnant." I giggle.

"I know I'm sorry." Corbyn says. I get up and walk to our closet and look for pajamas and grab some getting into them.

I walk out and get into bed and watch Corbyn get into bed and i cuddle into him a little and fall asleep

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I walk out and get into bed and watch Corbyn get into bed and i cuddle into him a little and fall asleep.

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