Part 1

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*I walks downstairs and pets Jasper* "you want some food bub." *I say to jasper and smile at him going to grab his bowl* "I already fed him babe." *Corbyn says and I jump* "omg that's where you were I was looking for you." *I say and punch him in the arm softly* "I'm sorry baby." *Corbyn says and wraps his arms around me and rubs my small bump* "crazy, let's just hope you don't need to go on tour once the baby is here." I say and look at him
"I know baby but I don't know anything, I made you some breakfast go eat." *corbyn says and smiles big* "ok baby." *I say and walks to the kitchen and gets the food on a plate and sits and goes through insta and eats* "hey babe can the boys come over and Jack said he has lavender with him." *Corbyn says to me softly kissing my shoulder* "YESSSSS." *I yell and get up fast* "I'm gonna go get the toys out for lav." *smiles big and cleans up my plate and goes to the closet and gets the toys out of the closet and sets it up in the little play room I have for her and then walk back to Corbyn* "hello handsome." *I say and looks at corbyns phone* "they are on their way cutie, crazy how much of a mother you're to lavender." *Corbyn says and looks at me* "well she's my niece and I'm her aunt hehe." *I say and kiss him softly* "yes I know I know but like you act like her mom when she's with you." *Corbyn says and laughs* "it's cause Jack is a single dad like yes I know lavender sees gabbie but lavender lives with Jack and you know that babe and so I'm just helping him and I always end up doing that." *I say and go and sit on the couch and put on a show*
-skip when they get their-
*I get up and hug them all* "how's the baby?" *Daniel says and looks at me* "really good, we get to found out the gender tomorrow so that is very fun." *I say and smile big and pick up lavender* "AUNTIEEE !" *lav yells and giggles* "she missed you a lot." *Jack says and looks* "that's so cuteeee." *I say and set her down and go and pet jasper and let him outside* "how is jasper liking the snow?" *zach says and laughs* "I mean he is a husky but he's probably used to LA and then we moved back to Tennessee so he's kinda loving it here, but I'm sad that you guys have to go back to la I mean Corbyn stays cause he can just do it through a call plus he has a pregnant wife so I'm sorry." *I say and shake my head* "let's go make some music or something." *jonah says and looks at Corbyn* "y'all can hang out." *I say and walk upstairs with lavender and goes into mine and Corbyns room and sets her down and lays down and puts on a Christmas movie and I fall asleep*
-2 hours later-
*corbyn walks upstairs and gets lavender and walks back downstairs* "is she still sleeping ?" *Jack ask and takes lavender from him* "yes but I'll get her up cause we're leaving and she probably wants to come since we're going to the mall." *corbyn says and laughs and goes back upstairs and walks in and turns the tv off and starts to wake me up* "hello sweetie." *corbyn says and kisses me and then says* "get ready we're gonna go to the mall for a little bit then get some dinner." *I smile and nod at him and get up and walks to our closet and grabs an outfit and gets into this*

*and does my hair making it wavy and does some light makeup and walks downstairs and smiles at them and gets jasper downstairs into the room for him and fills his bowl and walks out and goes back upstairs and goes and gets in the car* "let's go

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*and does my hair making it wavy and does some light makeup and walks downstairs and smiles at them and gets jasper downstairs into the room for him and fills his bowl and walks out and goes back upstairs and goes and gets in the car* "let's go." *corbyn says*
-they go to the mall and look around and get stuff and Christmas presents and then they go back to y/n and corbyns house and eat and the boys leave and corbyn and y/n go to bed-

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